
The preliminary IETF agenda is available at:
As of today, SPRING will meet at IETF-93 on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, from 13:00 
to 15:00.  Please forward any SPRING agenda items you might have to John and 
me.  The deadline is Tuesday June 30 by 10:00 U.S. Eastern Time.  Priority will 
be given to those who get their requests in by the deadline, though if agenda 
space permits it we will consider requests gotten in before July 12.
We have a 2 hours slot. If requests exceed our slot, we'll give preference to 
work that directly advances the WG charter, especially charter items at risk of 
slipping, and to work that requires interactive discussion rather than status 
reports or presentations of results. Please keep in mind that the mailing list 
is always available for such reports and we encourage you to use it.

If you have previously presented on your topic at a SPRING meeting, please 
explain in your request what you hope to achieve with your presentation this 
time. If you have requested to present the same work at multiple WGs, please 
note this so that we can coordinate as needed.

You should plan to send your slides to John and me no later than 24 hours prior 
to the meeting, though again, earlier is better. If we don't have your slides 
by the deadline, you may lose your slot. Please number your slides for the 
benefit of remote attendees, and if you plan to use any fancy builds or 
transitions you must arrange this with us in advance -- otherwise you should 
assume your slides may be converted to PDF and presented from the PDF.

Finally, if you request an agenda slot, please do so by replying to this 
message, making sure to include both John and me in the To: or Cc: and don't 
change the subject line. Please include the name of the person who will be 
presenting and give an estimate for how much time you think you'll need 
(including Q/A).


-- Bruno & John


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