Hi authors,

Please find below two comments:

1) Following the work done in draft-ginsberg-spring-conflict-resolution, would 
you consider adding a notification to report SRGB block inconsistency?
I think that there is consensus that the network operator need to be warned 
about this issue.

2) Regarding "notification segment-routing-global-sid-collision", what about 
adding the "identity" of both SR nodes (the one advertising the 
"received-target" and the one advertising the "original-target")? This looks 
useful as the network operator will likely need to look at the configuration of 
both of these nodes, and possibly fixe one.

As a side note, "leaf routing-protocol" seems to assume that the check is not 
done across routing-instances, while I think there is the option that the SRGB 
be common for all routing protocols hence a use case to detect sid-collision 
across routing protocol/instances.

Many thanks,


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