Hi Stephane,

I’ll take care of this asap. Sorry for the delay.


> On Sep 7, 2016, at 1:05 PM, stephane.litkow...@orange.com wrote:
> Hi Authors,
> Could you please check the comment’s below so we can continue to progress the 
> document ?
> Thanks !
> From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> stephane.litkow...@orange.com
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 15:14
> To: draft-ietf-spring-resiliency-use-ca...@ietf.org
> Cc: spring@ietf.org; rt...@ietf.org
> Subject: [spring] Shepherd review of draft-oetf-spring-resiliency-use-cases
> Hi,
> I have been selected as Shepherd for this document, and as part of my review 
> I have several comments that you will find below :
> General :
> Is it a requirement document ? If yes, it would be good to mention it. The 
> document states requirements multiple times.
> Abstract :
> The abstract is really short, would be good to enhance it with what is 
> exactly described.
> In Section 1, there should be an issue with the XML file as the hypertext 
> link is missing at : “We discuss two different approaches to provide …, in 
> Section 3”. Hyperlink missing for “Section 3”.
> In Section 2, 
> It would be good to state in the example that the paths must not be protected 
> by any local repair techniques. Example : “The two paths are made disjoint 
> using the SPRING architecture and must not be protected by any local repair 
> techniques”.
> As a requirement, the two paths must be disjoint (link or node, or srlg), 
> this has some impacts on the path expression : using a node-SID would be a 
> bad idea as there is no guarantee. It would be good to mention that the 
> solution must take care of this.
> It would be easier to state that path T1 is primary and T2 is backup instead 
> of : “When T1 is  up, the packets of the PW are sent on T1”.
> Why not using the following text :
> “T1 is programmed as primary forwarding entry while T2 is a backup entry. In 
> nominal state, PW traffic is carried over T1. When T1 fails, the PW traffic 
> is switched on T2”.
> Before telling that the solution for end-to-end liveness is out of scope, it 
> would be good to state that it is mandatory to have such mechanism to make 
> the solution work. Is it a SPRING path liveness check or service liveness 
> check ?  It would be good to tell who is in charge of the detection and path 
> switchover ? is it LSP ingress, is it a node outside SPRING network ? If 
> there are multiple options, please tell it.
> I would propose to change the last sentence to highlight the two requirements 
> in case we need SPRING path liveness check :
> “From a SPRING viewpoint, the SPRING architecture MUST provide end-to-end 
> liveness check of SPRING based LSPs. In addition, it MUST provide a way to 
> create LSPs that must not be protected by local repair techniques.”
> Globally this section looks confusing to me. End to end protection could be 
> achieved in multiple ways, for example :
> - Having a dumb network that only provides disjoint non protected path and 
> having end-to-end probes at service level that would help an external 
> component to switchover traffic. Provider network is not aware of the 
> protection done. In your figure we can add A’ and Z’, and we establish two 
> disjoint LSPs (A->Z and A’->Z’). Customer is dual meshed to A/A’ and Z/Z’ and 
> is managing liveness check and switchover (network is not involved).
> - Having primary/backup like approach : two disjoint LSPs from A->Z , A 
> programs one in FIB. A provides OAM on the LSP. When primary LSP fails, the 
> second one is installed in FIB.
> - Having FRR like approach : two disjoint LSPs from A->Z , A programs both in 
> FIB in a FRR like fashion. A provides aggressive OAM on the LSPs to enable 
> traffic switchover in a very short time.
> The current text is not really clear on the proposed approach. Maybe another 
> one ?
> Section 3
> s/the backup path computation should/the backup path computation SHOULD/
> s/in any topology/in any topology./
> s/by the IGP/by the IGP./
> Section 3.1
> “ending at the protected nexthop”, that’s true only for link protection, but 
> not possible in case of node protection. This sentence is a generic one and 
> is not specific to link protection case.
> I cannot parse : “so as to bypass the failed component …”
> I would propose something like :
> “One way to provide local repair is to enforce a failover along the shortest 
> path around the protected component. In case of link protection,  the point 
> of local repair will create a bypass avoiding the protected link and merging 
> back to primary path at the nexthop. In case of node protection, the bypass 
> will avoid the protected node and merge back to primary path at the 
> next-nexthop.”
> What about SRLG case ?
> “In our example, C protects Z”, protects for what ? link / node /srlg failure 
> ? proposed text : “In our example, C protects destination Z for a failure CD 
> link”
> “that it initially reaches via CD”, yes and also using CH because of ECMP, it 
> would be better to change the example to disable ECMP. There are multiple 
> ECMPs that would not help the reading. Even A as ECMP to Z.
> Section 3.2
> “providing a repair for the destination based on shortest path state for that 
> destination”. Why using “state” ?
> Again : “In our example, C protects Z”, protects for what ? link / node /srlg 
> failure ?
> You have again ECMP starting from A, and at other nodes that complexifies the 
> example.
> Why not talking about pros/cons between approaches ?
> Section 4.
> SRLG was mentioned as a requirement in Section 3. So why considering it as a 
> more high level constraint ?
> If SRLG is management-free, please change your example with another 
> constraint type (bandwidth for example).
> You can refer to RFC7916 as an example of managed computation. Similar 
> approach can be used here.
> Section 4.1
> Is the path {CG,GH,HD} computed automatically or putted manually ? Please be 
> clear on what must be done.
> Section 4.2
> This case is a bit strange. The goal is to use shortest path protection to 
> the destination but here we enforce a non shortest path, so the name is no 
> more applicable. It is more a per-destination protection tweaking. Again how 
> is it done, configured manually per destination or group of destinations ? Do 
> you have requirements here ?
> Section 5
> First sentence is hard to read (it works but hard to read). Is it possible to 
> make it simpler ? For example, “when a topology change occurs in a network, 
> transient inconsistencies of router FIBs can occur.”
> Could you point to relevant RFCs/drafts on microloops to help readers that 
> are interested by more information on the subject.
> You could tell that those micro-loops are breaking local repair techniques 
> preventing 50msec restoration.
> Could you provide an example on how SPRING can prevent loops ? (as you done 
> for protection cases)
> Section 6.
> Could you rename the title to be more explicit : co-existence of what ?
> Section 8.
> You also provide requirements, and you have example of manageability 
> requirements (revert ability for path protection, managed path) …
> Please state clearly that the manageability requirements provided in this 
> document must be addressed by the solution documents. Could you summarize the 
> manageability requirements here ?
> Best Regards,
> Stephane
> <image001.jpg>
> Stephane Litkowski 
> Network Architect 
> Orange Expert Future Networks
> phone: +33 2 23 28 49 83 
> mobile: +33 6 37 86 97 52 
> stephane.litkow...@orange.com
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