> On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:25 AM, bruno.decra...@orange.com wrote:
> Hi Authors,
>> From: John G. Scudder [mailto:j...@juniper.net]  > Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 
>> 2016 4:44 PM
>> Dear SPRING WG (and I've taken the liberty of cc'ing RTGWG),
>> The authors have indicated that draft-ietf-spring-resiliency-use-cases is 
>> ready for WGLC.
>> Please send your comments to spring@ietf.org. We will plan to end the WGLC 
>> on July 31.
>> I notice that there is an outstanding question from Alexander Vainshtein
>> <alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com>, sent to the list on July 10 -- authors, 
>> please
>> consider his note to be part of the WGLC and respond accordingly.
> Please consider answering Alexander's comment.
>> Authors: In parallel with the WGLC, please respond to this message (making 
>> sure you cc
>> spring@ietf.org) and indicate if you are aware of any relevant IPR. Please 
>> do this even if it
>> has been previously disclosed. Thanks.
> IINM, we are missing the IPR answers from Clarence, Stefano, Pierre and Rob.

I’m not aware of any IPR related to this document.


> Thanks,
> Regards,
> --Bruno
>> Thanks to Stéphane Litkowski for agreeing to be document shepherd.
>> Regards,
>> --John
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