> On May 1, 2017, at 10:02 PM, Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Stefano,
> I won't argue further about the general issues, they are really
> between you and the ADs. About this:
> ...
>>> Minor issue:
>>> ------------
>>> The text of section 3 doesn't explain what requirements for SPRING it
>>> generates. Really it just describes what any IGP will do anyway.
>> not really. Igp’s compute Dijkstra-based shortest paths. Igp’s do not 
>> compute repair paths (whatever flavor: dual, parallel, disjoint, etc).
> Yes, but that is a comment on DV or SPF algorithms: in principle an IGP could 
> use other algorithms, should they be invented. Indeed, you refer to 
> "Automated computation by the IGP.”

well, the whole FRR and LFA story is based on LS protocols so DV is out of the 
picture here.

>>> How does that impact SPRING? If there is no impact, please say so!
>> spring is about source routing and resiliency makes use of source routing. 
>> Resiliency makes use of source routing through SR.
> Right, but you don't state any *requirements* for SPRING that result from 
> this case,
> except the very general statement before section 3.1. Maybe that does 
> translate
> into specific requirements, but I don't see how.

the generic requirement is the ability to instantiate source routed paths. 
These source routed paths, in the framework of this draft, are for LFAs.


>   Brian

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