
The issues we are discussing here are specific to Segment Routing and SPRING is 
the right
WG to address this. The problem here is not about standardizing what is the 
PHP behavior, it is about the scenarios when this default behavior assumption 
need to be applied.

The problem doesn't get solved by applying default PHP behavior in all cases.
Assume in the example below is a redistributed prefix from another ISIS 
Level. In that
case  the pop and forward will cause the service labels to get exposed at A 
would cause black-holing or misrouting.

These are issues caused by config errors and IMO conflict resolution draft is 
the right place
to describe these cases and the solutions so that all vendors have consistent 


From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) [mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com]
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 12:05 AM
To: Shraddha Hegde <shrad...@juniper.net>; 
Cc: spring@ietf.org
Subject: RE: Mail regarding draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution

Shraddha -

First, there is no SID conflict here. There is therefore nothing for the 
conflict resolution draft to discuss.

Let's look at your scenario more detail. To do so let's use the following 
simple topology:


Using your example w addition of P/E flag settings in prefix-sid advertisement 
(using IS-IS naming convention).
For simplicity assume all nodes have the default SRGB (16000 - 23999).

1.prefix advertised from node A with no SID
2.Prefix advertised from node B with SID 10  P flag = 0 E flag = 0
3. Prefix advertised from node C with SID 10 P flag = 1  E flag = 0

Using procedures defined in draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution all nodes in 
the network will use SID 10 when forwarding traffic to The question is 
what should the penultimate next hop router do when forwarding a packet to each 
of the owning nodes?

When G forwards the packet to B, PHP is indicated, so G will POP.
When G forwards the packet to C, UHP is indicated and E flag is 0, so G will 
send the packet with outgoing label 16010.

When G forwards the packet to A, because A has not advertised the prefix-SID 
(but is SR capable) we do not know whether it wants PHP or not - so we have to 
make an assumption.
Default MPLS behavior is to assume PHP.
If A does not want PHP then it would have to advertise the prefix SID so it 
could specify desired behavior using P/E flags.

Note that this same situation can occur if the mapping server is used as a 
global provisioning tool. In such a case no prefix-SIDs need be advertised in 
prefix reachability advertisements - all SIDs are advertised by SRMS 
advertisements which do not include P/E flags.

Historically,  MPLS implementations have chosen a default behavior (equivalent 
to P and E flags = 0). Some implementations provide knobs to override this 

If your concern is that there is not an explicit definition of default 
PHP/Explicit NULL behavior, then I think this needs to be directed at the MPLS 
WG. I do not claim to be an MPLS expert, but I have found these references:

RFC 3036 Section 6

"-  Section 2.16 of the MPLS architecture [RFC3031] requires that
         the initial label distribution protocol negotiation between
         peer LSRs enable each LSR to determine whether its peer is
         capable of popping the label stack.  This version of LDP
         assumes that LSRs support label popping for all link types
         except ATM and Frame Relay.  A future version may specify means
         to make this determination part of the session initiation


From: Shraddha Hegde [mailto:shrad...@juniper.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:16 PM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg); 
Cc: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: Mail regarding draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution


>From what you describe in section 3.3.8, all the SIDs attached to prefixes are 
>fed into the database.
The example I am talking about,

1.prefix advertised from node A with no SID
2.Prefix advertised from node B with SID 10
3. Prefix advertised from node C with SID 10

The advertisements 2 and 3 are fed into the mapping database and 1 isn't.

The conflict resolution does not detect any conflict with the above 
advertisements and
For prefix /SID 10 is chosen.
All this is fine but the problem is in programming the forwarding plane.

Lets say for a certain node E in the network node A is the nexthop for
How would node E program its forwarding plane?

Node E should recognize the conflict between node A, Node B and C and program 
SID 10 with a pop and forward instead of looking into the P and E flags of the 
SID 10?

This is good enough detail, that should be explained in the draft instead of 
leaving it to the
Imagination of implementers.


From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) [mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 11:47 PM
To: Shraddha Hegde <shrad...@juniper.net<mailto:shrad...@juniper.net>>; 
Cc: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: Mail regarding draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution

Shraddha -

There is a misunderstanding on your part. It would be good if you read Section 
3.3.8.  Guaranteeing Database Consistency again.

In short, it does not matter whether you do or do not advertise a prefix SID 
for a prefix which you own. What matters is that all routers populate the 
mapping entry database consistent w Section 3.3.8 and that each router applies 
the conflict resolution rules in a consistent manner. Then all routers will be 
using the same prefix/SID pair in forwarding.


From: Shraddha Hegde [mailto:shrad...@juniper.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:58 AM
Cc: spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>
Subject: Mail regarding draft-ietf-spring-conflict-resolution

Hi Authors,

When there are multiple anycast IP addresses assigned to different nodes and 
one or more nodes
do not advertise a Prefix SID for that anycast address but other nodes 
advertise a prefix-sid, there is a possibility
of different implementations behaving differently with respect to programming 
the labelled routes.

This scenario should be considered as a prefix conflict and the behavior should 
be addressed in the draft.
I suggest to update section 3.2.1 with the relevant text to describe the 


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