
This draft breaks the SR architecture. I am quoting a snippet from abstract of 
SR Architecture document 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-13, which states:
“SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining 
per-flow state only at the ingress nodes to the SR domain.”

In addition to creating states at transit and egress nodes, the procedure also 
affects the data plane and makes it unscalable. It also makes controller job 
much harder and error prune. In summary, I find the procedure very complex and 


Regards … Zafar

From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Greg Mirsky 
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 11:10 AM
To: "draft-hegde-spring-traffic-accounting-for-sr-pa...@ietf.org" 
<draft-hegde-spring-traffic-accounting-for-sr-pa...@ietf.org>, "m...@ietf.org" 
<m...@ietf.org>, "spring@ietf.org" <spring@ietf.org>
Subject: [spring] Special purpose labels in 

Hi Shraddha,
thank you for very well written and thought through draft. I have these 
questions I'd like to discuss:

  *   Have you thought of using not one special purpose label for both SR Path 
Identifier and SR Path Identifier+Source SID cases but request two special 
purpose labels, one for each case. Then the SR Path Identifier would not have 
to lose the bit for C flag.
  *   And how you envision to collect the counters along the path? Of course, a 
Controller may query LSR for all counters or counters for the particular flow 
(SR Path Identifier+Source SID). But in addition I'd propose to use in-band 
mechanism, perhaps another special purpose label, to trigger the LSR to send 
counters of the same flow with the timestamp out-band to the predefined 
  *   And the last, have you considered ability to flush counters per flow. In 
Scalability Considerations you've stated that counters are maintained as long 
as collection of statistics is enabled. If that is on the node scope, you may 
have to turn off/on the collection to flush off some old counters. I think that 
finer granularity, per flow granularity would be useful for operators. Again, 
perhaps the flow itself may be used to signal the end of the measurement and 
trigger release of counters.
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