On 01/06/2018 17:05, Rob Shakir wrote:
The SPRING WG defines procedures that allow a node to steer a packet through an SR Policy instantiated as an ordered list of instructions called segments and without the need for per-path state information to be held at transit nodes.

I am not sure where the line gets drawn with the per-path state statement. If I introduce a binding-SID to allow the creation of a path, have I introduced per-path state or not? In practise a management entity will choose between the infinity of possible binding-SIDs by considering the need to create specific paths and I would imagine that many will be instantiated just-in-time.

I think that the key point is that the ingress creates the path by using SIDs to create a concatenation of paths, policies and resources. However it could be argued that as soon as we introduced Binding SIDs we introduced per-path state. I think we might
be best served by deleting the text I have highlighted.

- Stewart

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