Hi Bruno,

I would like to get a 15 minute slot (10 to present, 5 Q&A) to present 
 speaker will be Xia Chen.


Zhibo Hu

From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 6:30 PM
To: spring@ietf.org
Subject: [spring] IETF 102 - SPRING meeting

Hi all,

During IETF 102, the SPRING WG is currently scheduled to meet Monday 
13:30-15:30. We have a two hours session.

It is time start building the SPRING WG agenda for Montreal.

Please send your request for a presentation slot, indicating draft name, 
speaker, and desired duration (covering presentation and discussion), before 
Monday 2018-07-02  09:00 CET. Before is better.

If it is not the first presentation of a non-WG draft, please give a reason why 
it is required to have a new presentation slot.

A checklist is available on the wiki: 

As we are meeting on Monday, please send your slides on time, before Sunday 
18:00 local time. Earlier is better.

--Bruno, Rob


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spring mailing list

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