Hi All,

The following things in the drafts referenced in the subject line are questions 
that I feel need to be addressed - since having gone through these drafts 
closely in light of some of the comments on the spring list and cross 
referenced and checked a number of things - there are a number of things that 
significantly concern me.

Firstly - in section 3 of the network programming draft an attempt is made to 
define SID syntax and semantics.  Now, when cross referenced with section 2 of 
the draft, it states "SID: A segment identifier which represents a specific 
segment in the segment routing domain.  The SID type used in this document is 
IPv6 address (also referenced as SRv6 Segment or SRv6 SID)"
The semantics specified in the network programming draft state that the high 
order bits are a locator, the next bits are a function, and the next bits are 
arguments to a function.  (Page 6 paragraph 6, "We represent an SRv6 SID as 
LOC:FUNC where LOC (locator) is the L most significant bits and FUNCT 
(function) is the 128-L last significant bits.
This is quite clearly a re-definition of the IPv6 address semantics as 
specified in RFC4291, which that's that IPv6 addresses are 128-bit identifiers 
for interfaces and sets of interfaces (Section 2 of RFC4291)
Section 2.5 of the RFC4291 also states that IPv6 unicast addresses are 
aggregable with prefixes of arbitrary bit-length.  Aggregation of semantics 
specified in the network programming draft does not seem possible.  This also 
has relevance when we consider that SID's are indeed addresses, and we find 
this in draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header in section 4.2

Then we move to section 4.13 and 4.14 of the network programming draft, which 
define the END.B6-INSERT and the END.B6.INSERT.RED  SID types.  These types 
cause transit nodes to insert SRH's.  They are explicit in their statement that 
they can insert a second SRH in a packet that already  has an SRH.  This 
conflicts with RFC8200 section 4 which states that extension headers, except 
for hop-hop-hop option headers, are not processed, inserted or deleted by any 
node along a packet's delivery path, until the packet reaches the node.
Further to this, sections 4.21.1 and 4.21.2, when referencing PSP and USP 
flavors of the END, END.X and END.T functions all cause transit nodes to pop 
the top most SRH, which again, conflicts with RFC8200 Section 4.
Further to this, section 5.2 and 5.3, which define the T.INSERT and 
T.INSERT.RED behaviors will cause transit nodes to insert SRH's - again - in 
conflict with RFC8200 Section 4.

Then, the following questions are things I would like to see addressed as 
concerns the uSID draft.

Firstly, I feel that this draft again redefines the IPv6 address semantics in 
ways that are very far removed from what is defined in RFC4291, and that is 
Secondly, I do not understand how 
draft-filsfils-spring-net-pgm-extension-srv6-usid is compatible with the 
network programming draft.  Due to the semantics of the addressing specified in 
the network programming draft, the moment you start shifting an address in the 
way this draft specifies, you start to effectively break the locator/function 
semantics - and as such, programmability is only really possible at the end 
nodes.  Now, the argument has been put forward that you can retain the full SID 
stack while still shifting the address in the uSID approach - however, my 
question then becomes, if you do this to retain compatibility with the network 
programming draft, do you not lose any point in actually having uSID at all - 
since it was designed to address overhead, and the overhead has just returned 

I really feel that these things need to be addressed - because while I 
understand that there are things which are mandatory, and things which are 
optional and in the spirit of a draft,  and while I feel that if something 
isn't specified as mandatory but is clearly in the spirit, there may be 
occasions where something may be deviated from, what I see here is an entire 
redefinition of the address semantics, and multiple conflicts with segments of 
RFC8200 - in a consistent and what I consider to be an egregious manner.

I look forward to hearing responses



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