Bruno, and Peng ShuPing,

I requested a presentation slot on Oct 29 (see the attached email), is it 
neglect or intentional of not having it on the SPRING agenda?
Speaker: Linda Dunbar

Possible to add it to Thursday afternoon session?

Thank you.


From: spring <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:21 PM
Cc: Pengshuping (Peng Shuping) <>;
Subject: Re: [spring] IETF 106 SPRING WG Agenda uploaded

Hi all,

  *   For the presenters in the Monday morning session, it would be good if you 
could upload your slides no later than Sunday 2PM (Singapore time).

Please privilege the pdf file format over ppt. The experience prove that this 
is better for everyone, both for presenting during the meeting and for archive.

Thank you.

From: Pengshuping (Peng Shuping) []
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:26 AM
Subject: IETF 106 SPRING WG Agenda uploaded

Hi all,

The SPRING WG agenda is now available and can be found at:<>

Any comments on the current agenda please inform the Chairs.

Please note that we have got two sessions this time.
To the presenters, please upload your slides to the corresponding session at:<>

For the presenters in the Monday morning session, it would be good if you could 
upload your slides no later than Sunday 2PM (Singapore time). Thank you!

Looking forwards to meeting you all in Singapore. :)

Best Regards,


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--- Begin Message ---
SPRING chairs,

Can we get 10 minutes slot for briefing the following draft?
Speaker: Linda Dunbar

We will submit the updated draft before the cutoff date and start the 
discussion on the mailing list too.


From: spring <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 7:28 AM
To: SPRING WG List <>
Subject: [spring] IETF 106 - SPRING agenda


The preliminary IETF meeting agenda is at<>

For IETF 106, we're scheduled to meet twice:

13:30-15:30    Monday Afternoon session I

15:50-17:20    Thursday Afternoon session II

Rob and I would like to ask folks to send requests for presentation slots

in the SPRING meeting. Please indicate:

   - the name of the draft you'd like to present,

   - the speaker's name,

   - the amount of time you would like to be allotted - this should cover

   *both* your presentation and discussion.

If you're planning to present a new non-working group draft, please first

post it to the list. If you're presenting an update to an existing draft,

please send an update mail to the list highlighting the

changes that you've made.

There's a handy check-list for presenting at a SPRING meeting on the wiki<>

We tend to be oversubscribed on meeting agenda slots -- please consider

carefully whether there are items in your update that really benefit from

face-to-face discussion. If the draft has simply been refreshed since last

time it was presented, with no material changes, please consider not

requesting a slot to make our lives easier!

Please have your requests to us by Friday 2019-11-01. We'd like your

slides *Sunday* November 17th at 10:00 local time at the very latest to give us 

to be able to put together the materials for remote participants.


Rob & Bruno,


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Thank you.

--- End Message ---
spring mailing list

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