
As an Area Director, what are your thoughts regarding Bruno's claim that this working group (Spring) doesn't have the necessary skills for evaluating the need of a functionality (PSP) that this wg is including in draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming?

Specifically, Bruno has noted (in

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Independently of RFC 8200, the question has been raised with regards to the benefit of PSP. My take is that PSP is an optional data plane optimization. Judging its level of usefulness is very hardware and implementation dependent. It may range anywhere from "not needed" to "required for my platform" (deployed if you are network operator, or been sold if you are a vendor), with possible intermediate points along "n% packet processing gain", or "required when combined with a specific other feature". I don't think that the SPRING WG can really evaluate this point (lack of hardware knowledge, lack of detailed information on the hardwares).
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Doesn't this sound a bit like a group is shipping something that it cannot really understand?


On 2/3/20 15:53, Martin Vigoureux wrote:

as I had indicated in a previous message I am the one evaluating consensus for this WG LC.

I have carefully read the discussions on the list. I acknowledge that disagreements were expressed regarding what a particular piece of text of RFC 8200 says, and on which this document builds to propose an optional capability. Since RFC 8200 is not a product of the SPRING WG, I have paid specific attention to the messages ([1], [2], and [3]) sent by the responsible AD of 6MAN and of RFC8200.

My overall conclusion is that there is support and rough consensus to move this document to the next stage.

Bruno will handle the immediate next steps.


[1] [2] [3]

Le 2019-12-05 à 18:15, a écrit :

This email starts a two weeks Working Group Last Call on draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming [1].

Please read this document if you haven't read the most recent version, and send your comments to the SPRING WG list, no later than December 20.

You may copy the 6MAN WG for IPv6 related comment, but consider not duplicating emails on the 6MAN mailing list for the comments which are only spring specifics.

If you are raising a point which you expect will be specifically debated on the mailing list, consider using a specific email/thread for this point.

This may help avoiding that the thread become specific to this point and that other points get forgotten (or that the thread get converted into parallel independent discussions)

Thank you,




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