At Sat, 7 Mar 2020 12:13:23 +0100,
Robert Raszuk <> wrote:

> > But, again, I expect not everyone agrees on this idea.  You probably
> > won't; then I'll respect that.  Sometimes we just have to agree to
> > disagree.
> Well perhaps to your surprise I am all for clarity in the specifications.
> So I have nothing against this spec (or any other spec) to formally update
> RFC8200. But correct me if I am wrong - but this would require also 6man
> WGLC if I am not mistaken in the process ?

Assuming you mean draft-bonica-6man-ext-hdr-update, yes, and it will
first need to be adopted way before that, and it's not even

> But as you just mentioned there was "hundreds if not thousands of email
> messages" regarding header insertion/deletion in flight on 6man and that is
> why some authors may be actually resisting to take that path - just to keep
> the pandora box closed.

Perhaps.  While I strongly suspect it's an accidental bug rather than
an intentional art of obfuscation, I'm afraid we don't have an
evidence to prove (or deny) that in a court.

> Maybe a compromise is to either start a parallel effort to issue RFC8200bis
> or just propose a one page new 6man draft with clear statement that routing
> headers can be removed by nodes listed in the SRH segment list and move fwd
> ?

Hmm, what I proposed for draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming is
essentially just that (in the context of, and with other restrictions
such as limiting it to the penultimate node, specific to

But if writing a separate document just focusing it (in which case
network-programming would refer to it as an example of that update)
makes the process faster, that can be an option.

JINMEI, Tatuya

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