Hi Dhruv,

Please check inline below.

From: Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com>
Sent: 30 April 2021 11:43
To: Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) <ket...@cisco.com>
Cc: James Guichard <james.n.guich...@futurewei.com>; spring@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [spring] WGLC for draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy

Hi Ketan

Thanks for handling the comments. Just a final comment on the 
security/manageability considerations that explains my reasoning. I would let 
you/shepherd take a call!

This draft describes the SR Policy with a common informational model which has 
proven to be quite useful.
[KT] Agree.

I would like to see this approach extended to also capture the security and 
manageability aspects in a protocol-agnostic way.
[KT] Most of the considerations are covered by the base RFC8402. The security 
of the mechanism used between a controller and router is protocol specific. 
Same goes for the manageability aspect outside of the common YANG model. 
Perhaps it would help if there is some text proposal for us to evaluate or at 
least please point specific points that we should try to cover.

The configuration of SR policy, the verification rules, SR-DB handling, various 
policies that control active path selection, are all common and should be 
listed in this I-D.
[KT] Those aspects are covered by the draft already. Please do let know if any 
specific points that need inclusion.

You could also give clear requirements for the protocols to build on.
[KT] When it comes to the model and general things, yes. But there will be 
differences in protocols themselves.

There have been cases where the protocols have differed leading to issues. 
Having a section in this I-D that lays out clearly for protocols would be 
[KT] I want to make sure here that we are still talking about security and 
manageability? Or is there any other specific aspect?

As the work is distributed across WG, IMHO having a SPRING WG consensus on such 
a text would be nice.
[KT] Another aspect is a lot of the key protocol work is in fairly advance 
stages. We already have some PCEP specs published while others are quite mature 
with implementations and deployments. The BGP SRTE is also implemented and 
deployed – hopefully it gets into WGLC right after this. So we need to also 
look at the timing aspects for the specific points that we would like to see 


Just my 2 paisa :)
Stay Safe!


On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 7:40 PM Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) 
<ket...@cisco.com<mailto:ket...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Hi Dhruv,

Please check inline below.

From: Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com<mailto:dhruv.i...@gmail.com>>
Sent: 29 April 2021 15:46
To: Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) <ket...@cisco.com<mailto:ket...@cisco.com>>
Cc: James Guichard 
Subject: Re: [spring] WGLC for draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy

Hi Ketan,

Thanks for the discussion. Sniping to -

If a node is identified by multiple addresses, from the point of view of the SR 
policy they would be considered as different nodes, correct?
[KT] This relates to the computation of SR Policy which is outside the scope of 
this document. There was some text around computation aspects in an earlier 
version of the draft that has been moved into 
draft-filsfils-spring-sr-policy-considerations around the WG adoption time. To 
answer your question, the endpoint address can be mapped to a node which 
becomes the tail-end and then path is computed to that node. In that case, 
multiple addresses may all map to a single node. This would be an 
implementation aspect.

[Dhruv]: I was thinking from the SR policy identification point of view, i.e. 
<H1-IP1, color, endpoint> and <H1-IP2, color, endpoint> will be considered as 
different SR policies even though H1-IP1 and H1-IP2 belong to the same headend 
[KT] Yes, they would be different SR Policies.

- Section 2.3, What are the 8-bit values for the Protocol-Origin, is there an 
existing registry that is used here? Is it - 
 , should it be listed in this document perhaps?
[KT] These are not code points but suggested default values for the Priority 
assigned to each protocol. An implementation may use a completely different 
scheme and/or make theme configurable. I see that 
 does not clearly indicate this and perhaps the authors should clarify that the 
Protocol Origin in that PCEP TLV is used to tweak/signal the Priority value to 
be used for that particular CP in the tiebreaker.

[Dhruv]: I am referring to this text -

   Protocol-Origin of a candidate path is an 8-bit value which
   identifies the component or protocol that originates or signals the
   candidate path.

Which says that an "8-bit value" identifies the protocol as PCEP, BGP, etc. 
What you are describing is the priority associated with the protocol. I feel 
the term "Protocol-Origin" and "Protocol-Origin Priority" is used 
interchangeably, leading to this misunderstanding.

To confirm, in the example - Candidate-path CP1 <protocol-origin = 20, 
originator = 100:, discriminator = 1>. The value 20 identify BGP or the 
Priority value associated with BGP? I am assuming it is the priority!

In which case some cleanup of text is needed to make things clear.
[KT] I see your point. The use of “priority” and that too inconsistently might 
be the cause for the confusion. Will clean-up the text around this.

- Section 10, It might be a good idea to acknowledge security considerations 
from the SR policy architecture point of view: how various SR policy parameters 
and attributes could be exploited to make a headend to forward the traffic 
incorrectly. It is better to add details that clearly show that the authors/WG 
have given it a thought and analyzed the implications.
[KT] As a reminder the SR Policy has been introduced in RFC8402 which covers 
these aspects of incorrect routing and other challenges associated with source 
routing. This document is only providing the details of the implementation 
construct/framework for the SR Policy.

[Dhruv]: In my reading, RFC 8402 security considerations are focused on the 
data plane and not much on the interaction between the controller and SR nodes 
where the SR policy architecture comes in.
[KT] This document does not cover the actual protocols used for interactions 
between controller and routers – that is covered via PCEP and BGP documents.

- Section 11, What is the range of the value for Segment Types? A-Z only? It 
would be good to be clear about this. With A-K already allocated, worth 
thinking if this is too restrictive and not future-proof. Perhaps we could 
think of the value as a string that is currently populated with a single 
alphabetic character.
[KT] String can become freeform. How about A-Z, then AA-AZ … ZA-ZZ – that 
should be a large enough space?

[Dhruv]: That works. Maybe you could add this to the table to clearly indicate 
the range:
L-Z: Unassigned
AA-ZZ: Unassigned
[KT] I’ll try to describe this in the text since the AA-ZZ might not be very 

Related question: is there a value in putting aside a few of these for 
Experimental Use?
[KT] I don’t think so because these are not signaled in any protocol.

- Since the I-D talks about policy configuration, explicit candidate paths, 
verification, SR-DB, etc. I don't want to add work for the authors but I do 
feel in this case a dedicated manageability consideration section would be 
useful :)
[KT] Good catch. I will add it. It is not much work really since we need to 
point to RFC8402 which introduced the SR Policy and an informative reference to 
draft-ietf-spring-sr-policy-yang that the WG is already working on.

[Dhruv]: That helps, but also think in lines of documenting some key 
considerations as per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5706#section-2
[KT] This is not really a new protocol per-se and I am not sure if this is 
necessary. However, if there are any text proposals, we can discuss within the 


Hope the authors and WG find these suggestions useful.
[KT] Yes, definitely.



On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 12:27 AM James Guichard 
<james.n.guich...@futurewei.com<mailto:james.n.guich...@futurewei.com>> wrote:
Dear WG:

This email starts a 2 week Working Group Last Call for 
draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy [1].

Please read this document if you haven’t read the most recent version and send 
your comments to the SPRING WG list no later than April 29th 2021.

If you are raising a point which you expect will be specifically debated on the 
mailing list, consider using a specific email/thread for this point.

Lastly, if you are an author or contributors for this document please response 
to the IPR call in the previous email thread.


Jim, Joel & Bruno

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy/

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