Hi Fan,

thank you for the detailed explanation of the author's view of the scope of the 
draft. As the proposed mechanism is being positioned as a generic for SRv6, it 
seems logical that it addresses all the use cases. That, in my opinion, would 
include p2p and p2mp SR policies and DetNet in SR with IPv6 data plane. Would 
you agree?


Greg Mirsky

Sr. Standardization Expert
预研标准部/有线研究院/有线产品经营部 Standard Preresearch Dept./Wireline Product R&D 
Institute/Wireline Product Operation Division

E: gregory.mir...@ztetx.com 

Original Mail

Sender: Yangfan(IPStandard)
To: Balázs Varga A;draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protect...@ietf.org;
CC: spring;det...@ietf.org;
Date: 2021/07/26 14:09
Subject: [Detnet] 答复: IETF-111 SPRING presentation on sr-redundancy-protection

detnet mailing list


Hi Balazs,


Thank you for your comments.

As what Gyan mentioned during the presentation, this draft redefines redundancy 
protection as a general protection mechanism designed for SR network. Firstly, 
it is a general mechanism can be used in many uses cases, not only DetNet use 
case. Secondly, it applies to SR network, not a general IP or MPLS data plane 
solution which Detnet requires. Since the scope is changed, I don’t think 
redundancy protection is necessary to follow DetNet architecture.

If redundancy protection is not a DetNet mechanism, I don’t think it should 
cover both P2P and P2MP services.

We are happy to address the comments that relates to redundancy protection in 
next revision.





发件人: Balázs Varga A [mailto:balazs.a.va...@ericsson.com] 
 发送时间: 2021年7月27日 4:49
 收件人: draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protect...@ietf.org
 抄送: spring <spring@ietf.org>; det...@ietf.org
 主题: IETF-111 SPRING presentation on sr-redundancy-protection




As time not permitted comments during the SPRING meeting, major comments 
regarding the

redundancy protection presentation:



1, General: despite the reference to DetNet this draft is not compliant with 
Figure 1 of RFC8655 (DetNet Architecture)

2, Slide-9: DetNet provides both p2p and p2mp services. This draft only p2p, so 
many DetNet use cases cannot be supported

3, Slide-9: there were many DetNet related comments on the list. Only some were 
addressed in the latest version of the draft.


Thanks & Cheers








From: Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang <zzh...@juniper.net> 
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 11:44 PM
 To: Yangfan (IP Standard) <shirley.yang...@huawei.com>; Balázs Varga A 
 Cc: spring <spring@ietf.org>; det...@ietf.org
 Subject: RE: SR and DetNet, draft on sr-redundancy-protection


Hi Fan,


Catching up on this late …


You said:


Ø  Triggered by the discussions in SPRING, I think we can define redundancy 
segment and merging segment as a functional segment without routing and 
topological semantics, and use different segment for the routing purpose. Thus, 
redundancy segment and merging segment are segments with pure service semantics 
and don’t violate the sub-layers definition in DetNet architecture.


Are you alluding to using replication segment for the routing/forwarding 
purpose? In my late response to an old email of yours that I just sent 
(https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spring/YyEb8kGgtXxITZaIGyxynp9wh9s/), I 
also said “the redundancy/merging functionality can be considered as an overlay 
service that makes use of replication underlay service” – so maybe we’re 




From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Yangfan (IP Standard)
 Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2021 2:07 AM
 To: Balázs Varga A <balazs.a.va...@ericsson.com>; 
 Cc: spring <spring@ietf.org>; det...@ietf.org
 Subject: [spring] 答复: SR and DetNet, draft on sr-redundancy-protection


[External Email. Be cautious of content]


Hi Bala’zs,

Thank you for your comments. Please see my reply inline starts with Fan1>>


发件人: Balázs Varga A [mailto:balazs.a.va...@ericsson.com] 
 发送时间: 2021年6月11日 21:12
 收件人: draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protect...@ietf.org
 抄送: det...@ietf.org; spring <spring@ietf.org>
 主题: SR and DetNet, draft on sr-redundancy-protection


Hi Authors,


thanks for the update of your draft, to clarify the proposed mechanism of

redundancy protection.


I have concerns regarding this draft as (1) the SRv6 approach does not follow 

DetNet architecture, and (2) repeats functionalities that are provided by the 

service sub-layer but with serious limitations.


(1) DetNet has defined two sub-layers: the service sub-layer and the forwarding

sub-layer. The service sub-layer is responsible for service protection and the

forwarding sub-layer provides forwarding paths and resource allocation on top of

them for the DetNet flows. DetNet specifications allow to use any technology in

the forwarding sub-layer, including Segment Routing.


The SRv6 approach described in "draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protection" 

the clear concept of the sub-layers by mixing them up. It contradicts to several

points at least to RFC8655 (DetNet Architecture), RFC8938 (Data Plane Framework)

and RFC8964 (DetNet MPLS Data Plane).


Fan1>> Segment routing extends IPv6 by introducing SRH extension header and SID 
programming. From the perspective of SID list in SRH, it provides the explicit 
route to IPv6 data plane in forwarding sub-layer. From the perspective of SID 
programming and Endpoint behaviors, it provides the packets replication and 
elimination in service sub-layer. So Redundancy segment could include the 
routing characteristic and service indication at the same time. Similar happens 
to Merging segment. I think this is why you called it breaking the concepts of 
two sub-layers and mixing them up.

Triggered by the discussions in SPRING, I think we can define redundancy 
segment and merging segment as a functional segment without routing and 
topological semantics, and use different segment for the routing purpose. Thus, 
redundancy segment and merging segment are segments with pure service semantics 
and don’t violate the sub-layers definition in DetNet architecture.

Besides, in RFC8655 4.1.2 DetNet data-plane overview, it says,

This separation of DetNet sub-layers, while helpful, should not be considered a 
formal requirement. For example, some technologies may violate these strict 
sub-layers and still be able to deliver a DetNet service

I think SRv6 could be acceptable based on this.


In addition, I guess where to encapsulate meta data could be one concern. 
According to DetNet, they should be identified and encapsulated at SR edge 
node. We plan to include both possibilities in next update. To carry them at SR 
edge node would be recommended as the first choice, and thus does not violate 
DetNet architecture. Right now I still want to keep the possibility for 
redundancy segment to add meta data for some corner case.


So far, I didn’t realize there are other points contradict to DetNet RFCs. We 
are very happy to discuss them.


(2) The motivation for "draft-geng-spring-sr-redundancy-protection" is not 
clear especially

as the SRv6 approach seems to be repeating DetNet service sub-layer 
functionalities; however,

with a limited set of functionalities without any clear benefits.

Fan1>> as what I said in previous email to Joel, redundancy protection comes 
from service protection specified in DetNet, but more focus on how to do it 
when Segment Routing is introduced to MPLS and IPv6. Currently, DetNet defines 
IP and MPLS data planes for DetNet in RFC8939 and RFC8964. There is segment 
routing consideration in RFC8964, but not in RFC8939. In our draft, we try to 
focus on definition in SRv6, and for MPLS-SR just obeys the specifications in 
RFC8964. It is clear that we are not repeating DetNet service sub-layer 
functionality, but to fill the gap between RFC8939 and SRv6. If WG thinks the 
SR-MPLS sections are redundant, we can take reference from RFC8964 for 
simplicity in next update.

I don’t think there is no clear benefit what segment routing brings to IP(v6). 
By using the redundancy protection mechanism, DetNet services running over SRv6 
don’t rely on IP+UDP/TCP tuple to provide PREOF. The authors believe this draft 
is meaningful.

Thank you for bring this topic into DetNet and SPRING. I take it as whether 
SRv6 is worth to be specified separately besides the existing DetNet data plane 
RFCs. It is a valid and important question for DetNet, we may need some guide 
from the WG.

My 2 cents.


Best regards,







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