Hi Stefano,

[spring@ re-added to cc:]

Stefano Salsano wrote on 20/10/2021 22:36:
I can anticipate that it is possible to use wireshark to dissect CSID packets, by providing very simple configuration information.

This is exactly the problem though - operators will need to manually instruct a dissector how to interpret the packet contents and that defeats the purpose of a debugging tool because the tool is supposed to be able to objectively tell you what's going on, without the operator having to tell it what's going on.

In particular, if you're attempt to debug a problem relating to C-SID length, it would be completely useless.

For example, how would you dissect the following sequence of compressed SIDs of different lengths?


The short answer is you can't objectively, yet this could be a valid SID argument.

There's an opportunity at this point to ensure that whatever compressed SID mechanism is implemented, that it's done in such a way if difference lengths of compressed SIDs are allowed, that the SID length is included in the encoding.

If this isn't done, it will create a mess which operations and support people will be stuck with for the lifetime of SRv6. Note that this devalues SRv6 as an infrastructure component.


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