Sander Steffann wrote on 24/10/2021 16:15:
The tool used doesn’t matter. What matters that an engineer can
understand and decode what’s going on on the wire when stuff breaks.
And that the headers contain enough information to use for interop
between multiple admin domains for example.
The issue is a good deal deeper than just debugging. As long as there's an option to specify a variable length parameter without being able to specify the length in the protocol, then the protocol is fundamentally ambiguous and its interpretation is entirely context dependent. I.e. one router might interpret a c-sid sequence completely differently to another.

The fact that debugging becomes arbitrary and dependent on context is a second order issue.

It doesn't matter how the length is specified: it could be a tuple; it could be a set of codepoints. What's important is that it's specified unambiguously in the protocol structure on a per-SID basis.


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