Hi Bruno,

    Thank you very much for your valuable point.

    We have updated the draft to address it.

Best Regards,
From: bruno.decra...@orange.com <bruno.decra...@orange.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 5:40 AM
To: Huaimo Chen <huaimo.c...@futurewei.com>; 
Cc: SPRING WG <spring@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: WG adoption call - draft-hu-spring-segment-routing-proxy-forwarding

[speaking as WG contributor]

Hi Huaimo,

Thanks for the follow up.

Please see one point inline [Bruno]

Orange Restricted

From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Huaimo Chen
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 2:48 AM
To: DECRAENE Bruno INNOV/NET <bruno.decra...@orange.com>; 
Cc: SPRING WG <spring@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [spring] WG adoption call - 

Hi Bruno,

    Thank you very much for your valuable comments.

    My responses/explanations are inline below with [HC].

Best Regards,


on behalf of co-authors


From: bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 6:01 AM
Cc: SPRING WG <spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>>
Subject: RE: WG adoption call - draft-hu-spring-segment-routing-proxy-forwarding

[speaking as WG contributor]

Hi authors, all

I have some comments specific to the binding SID aspect.


“   For a binding segment of a possible failed node, the node advertises

   the information about the binding segment, including the binding SID

   and the list of SIDs associated with the binding SID, to its direct

   neighbors only.  Note that the information is not advertised in the

   network domain. »


   “For supporting binding SID proxy forwarding, a new IS-IS TLV, called

   Binding Segment TLV, is defined.  It contains a binding SID and a

   list of segments (SIDs).  This TLV may be advertised in IS-IS Hello

   (IIH) PDUs, LSPs, or in Circuit Scoped Link State PDUs (CS-LSP)


>From an IS-IS standpoint, it seems to me that:

-    Advertising it in the LSP PDU would flood the information in the whole 
area/level, hence does not match the goal stated in §2

-    Advertising it in the Hello PDU is not a reliable way to sync information 
(except if duplicated in all hello which implies others issues such as lack of 
space) and adding the reliability seem like a major change to IS-IS

In all cases, as already raised by Stéphane, this is a subject for the LSR WG.

[HC]: We will remove IS-IS Hello (IIH) PDUs and LSPs, and update the
related text accordingly.

More importantly, the binding SIDs are probably coming from “somewhere” such as 
configuration, PCE, BGP, BGP-LS… Why not using the exact same signaling to 
duplicate it on the neighbors? (this may probably require some extensions for 
some protocols but a priori light ones and would not impact the IGP with 
information which may not belong to the IGP.)

[HC]: Using the same signaling (configuration, PCE, or BGP, ...) to

duplicate it on the neighbors works well if there are sessions between

the neighbors and PCE, or BGP, ...

[Bruno] Indeed, signaling session would be needed. That seems doable à priori 
(especially if we assume that BSID may already be needed on other nodes)

My point is that _today_, using BSID requires configuration/signaling of this 
BSID on the BSID node itself and on all ingress nodes using it. None of these 
signaling involves the IGP. So it’s not clear to me that IGP would be the 
obvious choice specifically for the neighbors of the protected node, while a 
different protocol would be used for the BSID on the protected and ingress 
nodes. Theoretically feasible but, IMHO as a network operator subject, subject 
to a risk of lack of feature parity in short and long term. At minimum I would 
expect the document to (also) explore how this could be performed using the 
protocols signaling the BSID on the protected node and ingress (e.g. PCE, BGP, 
configuration). Also in my experience, the LSR WG is usually not that found of 
using the IGP for configuration/signaling.




Orange Restricted

From: spring <spring-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org>> On 
Behalf Of bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2022 11:19 AM
To: SPRING WG <spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>>
Subject: [spring] WG adoption call - 

Dear WG,

This message starts a 2 week WG adoption call, ending 27/01/2022, for 


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Bruno, Jim, Joel


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