Many thanks Rishabh for addressing my comments.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 2:29 AM Rishabh Parekh <> wrote:

> Ines,
> Please find my replies inline below @ [RP]
>> 1- Requirements Language section should add RFC 8174, i.e. "...."NOT
>> RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be
>> interpreted as
>> described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear
>> in all
>> capitals, as shown here."
>> [RP] We will update in the next revision.
>> 2- There is no terminology section. It would be nice to have a terminology
>> section where inform to the reader which document to read to understand
>> the
>> terminology not defined in the document e.g. "..the operations NEXT, PUSH
>> are
>> defined in RFC8402 and the POP operation in RFC...; H.Encaps.Red is
>> defined in
>> ....."
>> [RP] We can add a terminology section to define new terms introduced in
> this draft, but I am not sure if we can list all the terms defined in other
> documents referenced in this draft.
>> 3- Page 3: "Replication-ID can be a 32-bit number, but it can be extended
>> or
>> modified as required... " -> to which limit can be extended?
> [RP] There is no "limit" as such. What the document means is that
> Replication-ID can be defined by the use case of Replication segments. For
> example, SR P2MP Policy
> <>
> draft (Section 3) uses <Root, Tree-ID> policy identifier as Replication-ID
> of replication segments that are instantiated for a P2MP policy.
>> 4- Question: since the replication state of the nodes can change over
>> time. Is
>> it possible that in some particular circumstances this change could
>> trigger a
>> loop in the replication segment? or this is not possible?
> [RP] Replication within a single replication segment is loop free as long
> as SIDs in segment list used to guide a packet from Replication node to
> dowstrean modes are loop free. When replication segments are stitched
> together for SR P2MP policy, it is upto the controller (PCE) to ensure the
> P2MP tree is loop free.
>> 5- The security considerations states: "There are no additional security
>> risks
>> introduced by this design". Additional to what features? This is not
>> clear to
>> me. Perhaps it would be nice to rephrase it to something like: "The
>> security
>> considerations outlined in RFC 8402, RCF... also applies to this
>> document"?
> [RP] Sure. We will rephrase the text in the next revision.
>> Nits/editorial comments:
>> 6- Page 7: all the Must and SHOULD... => all the MUST and SHOULD?
> [RP] If you are referring to the introductory text of Implementation
> Status section, it was taken verbatim from Section 2.1 of RFC 7942 where
> these words are not capitalized and I don't think they need to be since
> this section is to be removed before publication.
>> 7- Page 11- Figure 1: It would be nice if the caption of the figure could
>> be
>> descriptive
> [RP]  I agree - "Figure 1: Figure 1" does not describe anything :) Will
> fix in the next revision.
>> 8- Page 13 Paragraph 8 and 9: End.Replcate => End.Replicate?
> [RP] We will fix the typos in the next revision.
>  Thanks for a thorough review,
> -Rishabh
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