This email concludes the adoption call for draft-fx-spring-srv6-alt-makr.  The document is not adopted.

RFC 9343 provides a way to provide Alternate Marking Method in IPv6 networks.

draft-fz-spring-srv6-alt-mark is anAlternate Marking Method dedicated to SRv6 EndPoints nodes.

Reviewing the comments from the WG, there do not appear to be a compelling reason to duplicate the effort in two solutions as doing so increase the implementation costs, deployment issues, interop issues and bugs. As noted in the recent policy statement, absent such strong motivation, the WG will not duplicate DOH information in SRH TLVs.

One point raised during the adoption is that "In theory, the use of DOH + SRH, as specified in RFC 9343, is equivalent to SRH TLV. But, the approach with DOH + SRH requires two extension headers and this can have operational implications, as described in RFC 9098 and draft-ietf-6man-eh-limits."

However at this point, there is no publicly available data indicating that, in typical deployed hardwares, SRH + SRH TLV would have significantly less performance and operation implications compared to the use of DOH + SRH. Hence this does not seem like a sufficient argument compared to the cost of duplication the solutions.  We note that RFC 8574 (SRH) allows for TLV code points for experimentation and testing. Hence, implementors willing to compare solutions already have a means to do so.  That seems more appropriate to the chairs at this time, rather than moving on the experimental path, particularly as it allows immediate experimentation.


Joel (with Alvaro and Bruno)
spring mailing list

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