Thanks for your work.

With Errata 7102 for RFC 8754, I think issue #3 has closed. According to my 
understanding, the others include 4, 5,  are also closable.


Aihua Liu


From: JoelHalpern <>
To: SPRING WG List <>;
Date: 2023年08月08日 23:00
Subject: [spring] Confimring resolution of issue #3

spring mailing list

 Issue #3 in the datatracker reads

The definition for the SegmentsLeft field of the SRH as currently stated in 
[RFC8754][RFC8200] no longer holds true in the presence of C-SIDs. This 
definition needs to be updated to still hold true in the presence of C-SIDs.

The response from the document editors reads:

Segments Left: Defined in [RFC8200], Section 4.4. Specifically, for the SRH, 
the number of unprocessed 128-bit entries in the Segment List.


Please indicate to the list whether you consider this resolution sufficient to 
close the issue, or have further concerns that should be addressed.  If you 
have concerns, clarity about them is appreciated. This call is open for two 
weeks, through August 22.
spring mailing list

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