Dear Authors

I reviewed the draft presented at IETF 117 and had some questions relating
to the draft.

SRv6 with it’s simplicity does not require SR policy VPN color overlay to
SR policy intent mapping to instantiate the data plane forwarding as does
SR-MPLS so generally this does not come into play unless you are required
to instantiate data plane using a static sid list.

If ODN (On Demand next hop) or automated steering is utilized in the SR
policy then as well for both      SR-MPLS and SRv6 do not require to use
static SID list static candidate paths.

If you have many PEs for simplicity with stateful PCE delegation it is
simpler for operators to use ODN and automated steering techniques.

The main focus for this draft is for use case when using a static SID list
for the candidate path and have multiple static SID lists with the same
priority how the best path candidate is selected which today it’s static
via priority.

The draft mentions that a candidate path is represented by a segment list
or a set of segment lists which still could be ODN automated steering
based.  So I think it maybe good to mention that the draft is talking
specifically about static sid list.

So now if you have two static sid list with two different node sid to two
different endpoint PEs and so when the policy is instantaneous as we are
using prefix sid with node sid flag we are taking advantage of ECMP
pathing.  So now if you have threshold constraint set for both candidate
paths in the policy how would that work as the flows are round Robin hashed
across the ECMP path.  Since the path can change dynamically but also each
path has different latency, jitter, bandwidth values, how is the best
candidate path picked.  Also how to get visibility into all the ECMP flows
which is really what you want.

I think the candidate path selection using thresholds can only be used if
the static sid list is a strict path and not loose ECMP path.

This draft is really great work and I like the concept and would be happy
to collaborate on the draft.


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