Dear Spring WG

I have a ? related to the bottom of section 5 about how BSID label can be
used for compression of the label stack.

My understanding of BSID AFAIK is that the BSID can be static value or auto
generated value by the SR source node and is used to bind the candidate
path to the forwarding plane at which time the BSID is popped off the label
stack and the segment list specified by the BSID is pushed onto the packet
or SRV6 SRH or uSID carrier.

I am not aware that BSID can be used as a topological sid and is just
locally significant however the advertised with the VPN overlay BGP prefix
as informational only is my understanding.

If that is true I guess since the BSID contains the entire instruction set
for steering why not always use the BSID label and not the typical prefix
sid and adj sid label when steering.  That would cut way down on MSD down
to a single label.

“In the SPRING architecture, Node SIDs or Binding SIDs can be used to
reduce the label stack size. As an example, to steer the traffic on the
same path as before, PE1 could use the following label stack: <Node_P9,
Node_P5, Binding_P5, Node_PE2>. In this example, we consider a combination
of Node SIDs and a Binding SID advertised by P5 that will stitch the
traffic along the path P10 -> P11 -> P12 -> P13. The instruction associated
with the Binding SID at P5 is thus to swap Binding_P5 to Adj_P12-P13 and
then push <Adj_P11-P12, Node_P11>. P5 acts as a stitching node that pushes
additional labels on an existing label stack; P5's MSD needs also to be
taken into account and may limit the number of labels that can be imposed.”

Question about adjacency set sid ?  
SID <>

An adjacency-set is an Adj-SID that refers to a set of adjacencies. When an
adjacency-set segment is used within a label stack, an implementation can
deduce that load-balancing is expected at the node that advertised this
adjacency segment. An implementation MAY favor the insertion of an ELI/EL
after the Adj-SID representing an adjacency-set.¶

I don’t see any other SR document that talks about adjacency set sid.  Is
this set sid part of the base SR architecture and as well is another
topological sid I don’t see defined anywhere?

Thank you


*Gyan Mishra*

*Network Solutions A**rchitect *

*Email <>*

*M 301 502-1347*
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