
Usually (but not always) networks which deploy a strict edge + core architecture would avoid middleboxes in the core, but most networks are more heterogeneous than that, as Andrew pointed out further up this thread.


Robert Raszuk wrote on 06/02/2024 22:04:
Hey Nick,

All I could perhaps add to this thread here is that from my experience the "middleboxes" RFC3234 talks about are placed at the edges or peripherals of the core networks (example DMZs). In those parts of the network rarely anyone runs any form of SRv6 be it with or without SRH.

So while in theory you could put an IDS/IPS in the middle of the 400G core transit in practice it is never the case.

Kind regards,

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 10:49 PM Nick Buraglio < <>> wrote:

    On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 1:58 PM Nick Hilliard <
    <>> wrote:
    > Francois,
    > Fairly sure Andrew was referring to middleboxes, as defined in
    > In terms of what rfc8200 does or doesn't say, if srv6 is going
    to unearth problems with the well-established operational
    practices of embedding middleboxes deeply inside networks, then
    this will need to be addressed. Protocols have to work, and 30
    years of middleboxes aren't going to go away any time soon.

    Definitely agree with the middle box issue, middle boxes aren't going
    away and are fairly pervasive. As I asked previously, and Tal more
    eloquently requested, do we have examples we can reference for
    failure? Do we have a working example of a middle box that can verify
    a checksum with a SRH? That would imply that the middle box either
    participates in an SRv6 domain or ignores / passes the RH4. My testing
    of many core routing platforms has left me wanting in the "filtering
    RH4" department, and middle boxes tend to lag a handful of years
    behind carrier gear.

    > Nick
    > Francois Clad wrote on 06/02/2024 16:58:
    > Hi Andrew,
    > The L4 checksum issue that you have brought up is from the point
    of view of a “middleware” node. Is my understanding correct? This
    is not from either the source or destination node point of view
    which is covered by section 8.1 of RFC 8200.
    > Can you please describe this “middleware” and perhaps point to
    its IETF specification?
    > Thanks,
    > Francois
    > On Feb 6, 2024 at 11:16:12, Andrew Alston - IETF
    <>> wrote:
    >> I think it’s only fair to clarify my remarks – again – speaking
    entirely as a contributor.
    >> Let’s be clear – the middlware boxes will work in most cases –
    except when there is no SRH.
    >> The problem here is that if you apply a Micro-SID – which is
    imposed by originating system – and have no SRH – the DA of the
    packet is changing along the way – and the L4 checksum will be
    broken.  There is no way to actually calculate the correct L4
    checksum in flight – and in reality the originating system will
    now need to impose a checksum that is invalid at the start for it
    to be correct at the end – breaking end to end check summing. 
    This is a problem.
    >> Let’s look at what 8200 says:
    >>       o  If the IPv6 packet contains a Routing header, the
    >>          Address used in the pseudo-header is that of the final
    >>          destination.  At the originating node, that address
    will be in
    >>          the last element of the Routing header; at the
    >>          that address will be in the Destination Address field
    of the
    >>          IPv6 header.
    >> Now, in the case of no SRH – the DA address placed by the
    originating host – is *NOT* the final DA – because of the
    manipulation in the middle.
    >> The reality is that middleware boxes are (unfortunately) common
    – especially in this part of the world – they are used by state
    and other entities for DPI and traffic control etc – and they are
    used for IDS purposes etc – and breaking the L4 checksum in flight
    with no way for these boxes to calculate the correct checksum –
    will break existing deployments – that – is a problem and it needs
    to be addressed.  I would be quite fine if there was explicit text
    detailing this that was explicitly approved by 6man as the
    originators of 8200 (and a clear indication that this document
    updates 8200) – or alternatively a -BIS to 8200.  Either way – if
    you break the checksum – this needs explanatory text and it needs
    approval for 6man via a 6man Last call as far as I am concerned.
    >> Thanks
    >> Andrew
    >> Internal All Employees
    >> From: Antoine FRESSANCOURT
    >> Date: Tuesday, 6 February 2024 at 12:16
    >> To: Andrew Alston - IETF <>, Robert
    Raszuk < <>>, Ron Bonica
    < <>>
    >> Cc: <> <
    >> Subject: RE: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression
    >> Hello,
    >> I tend to agree with Andrew that the fact that the verification
    of a L4 checksum by a middlebox breaks is a problem. But I think
    this is a huge problem with the middleboxes, not with SRv6.
    >> According to me, reading RFC 8200 gives rather clear guidelines
    with regards to the computation of the L4 checksum. This checksum
    should be computed using the destination address seen by the
    destination verifying the checksum. As L4 protocols are end to end
    protocols, the checksum verifier is the end point destination of
    the packet, and not a middlebox on the path. If a middlebox breaks
    the communication by looking at fields it should not look at, then
    the problem is the intervention of the middlebox.
    >> Best,
    >> Antoine
    >> From: spring <
    <>> On Behalf Of Andrew Alston - IETF
    >> Sent: lundi 5 février 2024 20:32
    >> To: Robert Raszuk <
    <>>; Ron Bonica <
    >> Cc: <>
    >> Subject: Re: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression
    >> I call breaking any middleware that does checksum validation a
    problem - and a big one
    >> Andrew Alston
    >> Internal All Employees
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: Robert Raszuk < <>>
    >> Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 7:16:23 PM
    >> To: Ron Bonica < <>>
    >> Cc: Andrew Alston - IETF <>; <> <
    >> Subject: Re: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression
    >> Hi Ron,
    >> Is there a problem ?
    >> If I read RFC8200 L4 checksum is computed by the packet
    originator and validated by the packet's ultimate receiver.
    >> In all SPRING work to the best of my knowledge the vast
    majority of packets are only encapsulated by transit nodes.
    >> Is there any formal mandate in any of the RFCs that an
    encapsulating node must mangle the inner packet's L4 checksum ? I
    don't think so but stand open to get my understanding corrected.
    >> Cheers,
    >> Robert
    >> On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 5:04 PM Ron Bonica
    <>> wrote:
    >> Folks,
    >> Has anyone proposed a solution to the L4 checksum problem that
    Andrew talks about?
    >>                                           Ron
    >> Juniper Business Use Only
    >> ________________________________
    >> From: spring <
    <>> on behalf of Andrew Alston -
    IETF <
    >> Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 5:21 AM
    >> To: <> <
    >> Subject: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression
    >> [External Email. Be cautious of content]
    >> Hi All,
    >> (In capacity as a contributor and wearing no other hats)
    >> At this point I cannot support progression of this document
    until the issues around the L4 Checksum have been resolved.  It’s
    been clearly stated in other emails on the list that in certain
    circumstances the behavior described in this document break the L4
    checksum as defined in RFC8200.  This requires an update to
    RFC8200 to fix it – and I’m not sure that spring can update 8200
    absent the consent of 6man, which I’m not sure has been asked for,
    nor am I sure that a spring document can update something like
    8200 in an area so fundamental as the checksum without a -BIS,
    which would have to be done via 6man.  The L4 checksum issue
    though is real – and it cannot simply be ignored.
    >> I also have deep concerns that the compression document creates
    something that (in a similar way to SRv6) creates something that
    is completely non-conformant with RFC4291.  There are multiple
    references to this in draft-6man-sids, and should draft-6man-sids
    become an RFC I would argue that it should probably be a normative
    reference in this document – on the logic that this document
    relies on similar RFC4291 violations that srv6 itself does (and
    for the record, just because SRv6 itself violates RFC4291 as is
    clearly documented in draft-6man-sids – does not make it
    acceptable to do so in yet another draft without clear and
    unambiguously stating the deviations and ideally updating RFC4291
    to allow for said deviations)
    >> I believe these two issues alone are sufficient that to pass
    this document would create still further tensions about the
    relationship between SRv6 and IPv6 and lead to confusion.  As such
    – I believe these issues need to be adequately dealt with – and
    the solutions to them need to be approved by 6man as the working
    group that holds responsibility for ipv6 maintenance.
    >> Thanks
    >> Andrew Alston
    >> Internal All Employees
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