Thanks for you input Scott, Thats what I am seeing here back on the  

George Medina Jr
Sr. Fire Sprinkler Designer

On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:21 AM, å... .... <> wrote:

> A lot depends upon the elevator inspector
> and building inspector.  this is a turf war.
> depends on whose hat is bigger.
> some inspectors don't want any water over their gear.
> Others do.
> it is ok if there is water overhead, if the elevator gear is shielded.
> there are not many fires in elevator machine room gear.
> Fires more often appear from trash and stored goods
> that should not be in there.
> l don't know the details of 102.2(c), but i have seen plenty
> of pre-action systems go out of commission,
> or not deliver what was intended,
> for reasons of corrosion...
> whether they be in compliance
> at initial certification or not.
> pehaps talking with the respective inspectors,
> but do not
> expect perfect resolution.
> find out which is at the top
> of the 'do-it-my-way' heap.
> fires in elevators are not a huge issue
> in terms of risk and likelihood.  Risk because
> elevators have sufficient backup safety devices
> for most kinds of accidents and vices
> (excepting perhaps excessive water in the shaft),
> that the fallout from an accident usually is not great.
> Likelihood because elevators are
> one of the MOST safe modes
> of transport.  but, fires IN elevator equipment
> is relevant not just now and for you,
> but for the future.  Elevators will be used
> more and more in high-rise evacuations,
> so some clearer resolution needs to be decided.
> scot deal
> excelsior fire
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