
Choose the members that can support the loads spec'd in chapter 9.  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of C&H Fire
- Mike Gallello
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 9:18 AM
Subject: Hangers - Mains in a Pre-Eng Building

Ok, so its Monday, might as well start the week with a stupid question
for all y'all...

Considerations: bulk / cross mains being hung in a pre-eng building with
butler framing and purlins, for conversation sake let's say the bays are

I recall at one point that mains "shall" be hung / supported from the
primary building structure, I believe the NFPA big book says to "hang
the big pipe from the big steel" or something to that effect...
Essentially, the idea to throw a hanger where a sprinkler main crosses a
beam / girder / butler frame has been stuck in my mind for years as a
requirement by code.  Just recently I found myself doing the old guy
thing after a site walk through where a 7 year licensed union fitter
didn't have any hangers on the butler framing at all.  There I was,
reading through that section of chapter 9, saying "I friggin swear it's
in here..." and nothing at all about a requirement to have an attachment
at the framing forming the bay.  There is the implied common sense that
you will have an attachment there (at the butler framing) with how through are worded, where "intermittent" hangers can be
omitted blah blah blah...

So, time for the stupid question - Is it the reliance on the physical
requirement that hangers on the main shall be installed between the
branch lines ( where you will obviously have bays / branch lines
split across butler framing?  Am I missing where (if it's actually in
there) there is a statement for main hangers to be supported at any
crossing of primary structural components?

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