
I don't disagree but one thing that water is not is friendly to electronic
equipment and "clean agent" type systems are not necessarily considered
"clean" because of environmental issues, even though I know they push that
argument but the "agent" doesn't cause any damage or require any clean up
after a discharge. The point of them is to activate in the initial stages
before a fire fully develops to save the equipment and data.
Generally when we install a "clean Agent" system we tell our clients that a
sprinkler head still must be provided in the room and we supply a QR200
head, usually once they realize what it actually takes to set off a
sprinkler they realize that at that point everything in the room is already
pretty much destroyed by fire and smoke and the sprinkler needs to be there
for the protection of the building. If the "clean agent" system does its
job then the fire never gets a chance to spread and there is no concern of
the sprinkler going off. The other alternative is a dual "clean agent" and
"preaction" system if there is that much concern of water.
With cloud storage it seems as though this is becoming less and less of a
concern but there are some companies that just can't have the disruption in
their data flow.
If money is not the concern than I usually try to steer someone towards the
Victaulic Vortex system.


Brett Peters
General Manager Installation & Design
Proudline Fire Protection Services Ltd.
780 490 7602 office ext 202
780 490 7605 fax
780 777 0568 cell
780 718 2676 24h
Visit us at

Proudline now offers ULc listed monitoring services, please contact for more information

On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 3:28 AM å... .... <> wrote:

> Whoever conned or bribed the NFPA and FMGlobal into allowing the name
> 'clean agent'  to be used for fluorinated gas suppression systems got away
> with murder.
> And while they are stable, until they are not (i.e. decompose in the fire
> or after some time short of  'forever'...)
> Many of these fluorinated organic gases are big greenhouse warmers.
> They negatively impact the environment with leakage at the
>    production site
>    container storage ops
>    unintended activation of fire protection systems
> The stupid part of naming them 'clean agent' is
>    we did not declare the basis of time for how long these chemicals are
> 'clean'
> These agents are clean for what... a 10-minute hold time?
> If these fluorinated organics are 'clean'
> then NFPA 13 should be renamed 'Standard for Installation of Sprinkler
> Systems Using Immaculate Agent'
> Water mist & even standard spray sprinklers are far superior options than
>     these 'Dirty Fluorinated Gas Agents' in most electronic equipment rooms
> I bet with 80% confidence that there are more unwanted activations in
> areas protected by 'Dirty Agents'
> than there are fire saves' by 'Dirty Agent' fire suppression systems.
> And after an unwanted activation,
>    the 'Dirty Agent' industry charges the customer ~ 66% of the original
> install cost,
>    just to refill the containers with more 'Dirty Agent'...
> Just say 'no'  to most fluorinated gas fire suppression agents, or do our
> homework
> and be the stewards of society's safety that safety engineers are paid and
> expected to be...
> What is the likelihood of fire loss (per hour of fire protection) vs fire
> loss in US dollars, for electronic equipment rooms over the last 25 years?
> The US military and US Coast Guard must have a number for this within 50%
> of accuracy.
> How many hermetically sealed hard-drives inside a cowling, have failed
> from sprinkler water?
> Why does fire protection so often apply the expensive and unreliable
> solution, to its wealthy customers?
> What is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than water?
> These comments will upset the some people...
> They are not new comments, I first made them about 17 years ago.
> Ask ourselves a question, are we making decisions based on loyalty to our
> status, our paycheck, or
> are we making decisions based on efficiency with regard to laws of Nature
> as engineers, efficiency
> of energy and material usage.  Are we being wise (i.e. predicting the
> future with improved accuracy)
> Scot Deal
> Excelsior Fire & Risk Engineering
> gms:  +420 606 872 129
> Civilization is a race between education and extinction   h.g. wells
> Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication   - da vinci
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