
El 19/02/15 a las 11:19, Raniere Silva escribió:
Hi Carlos,

Thanks a lot for your offer and for thinking on Spyder about it! We have not
participated yet in GSoC but it seems like a pretty good experience :-)
Thanks you for the reply.

I have a couple of ideas that would suit really well for GSoC, but I'd like
to know if other developers could be mentors along with me, especially
Steven, Gonzalo, Joseph or Sylvain. If they don't have time or the
willingness to do it, then I'm afraid I'd have to decline your offer because
that would be too big a commitment of time on top of my maintainer role.
I totally understand.

Sorry to raise this in the last minute.
I will be more careful next year.

Don't worry about it! it's just fine. I just wrote this part to see what our other devs think. Let's see what they answer :-)


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