On May 11, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Steeve C <steevechaill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> I'm looking for writing plugins (stevedore) for my application, all plugins 
> are new python modules and can create some entry|columns|table in the 
> application database, I want to manage migration by plugins|modules
> is it possible using alembic?
> is there some documentation on that purpose?

Currently, a single Alembic directory maintains a linear list of migrations, 
that is, A, B, C, D.... in a sequential pattern.  So if the idea here is that 
you have multiple, independent "apps" with their own migration streams, at the 
moment a workaround is to maintain separate Alembic directories per "app", and 
then use different "version_table" entries for each.   This is a little verbose 
but it can be done using different named sections in alembic.ini, e.g.:

version_table = app1_migration_version
script_location = path/to/app1_migrations/

version_table = app2_migration_version
script_location = path/to/app2_migrations/


then in env.py:


then when you run alembic:

alembic upgrade head --name alembic_app2

For now, that's it.  But later, a better approach will be available, when we 
will add support for multiple version directories and multiple independent 
branches.   I hope to have funded support for these features within the next 
six months, see 

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