On 6/11/14, 4:54 PM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create tables using alembic with custom engine/metadata
> objects, already configured by our other library. I want all the
> tables to default to one schema – schema specified in the metadata. I
> have the original code:
>     context.configure(
>                 connection=connection,
>                 target_metadata=target_metadata
>                 )
> where the target_metadata is our metadata object set-up somewhere else
> and has properly set schema value.
> Alembic still creates the table in the "public" schema (PostgreSQL) on
> 'upgrade'
> My goal in other words: I want all tables to default to specific
> schema implicitly, use explicit schema= in op.create_table only when
> really needed.
> What I am doing wrong?

there's no implication that the "schema" that's set inside of
target_metadata has any connection to the schema that is used by
op.create_table() or any other directives.  As documented,
target_metadata is only involved with the autogeneration process, and
additionally that the "naming_convention" aspect of it is consulted for
some operations, if present.  "schema" currently is not.

for directives like op.create_table(), there's no implicit behavior.  If
you want op.create_table to have some default schema, you'd need to
write a helper function:

def create_table(*args, **kw):
    metadata = op.migration_context.opts['target_metadata']
    kw.setdefault("schema", metadata.schema)
    return op.create_table(*args, **kw)

now, this is not to say that this cant be added as a feature.   I'd
accept a PR that implements "default_schema" as an argument to
EnvironmentContext.configure() and propagates it through
MigrationContext into Operations.

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