Oh, I can reproduce the error without globals too.
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context):
    print "This is a global:", mysql
    from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql as mysql2
    print "This is not a global:", mysql2

This is a global: None
This is not a global: <module 'sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql' from 

On Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 8:53:21 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On 9/2/15 3:13 AM, Fayaz Yusuf Khan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing this weird issue where several global variables in env.py are 
> set as null when accessed from render_item.
> Code: env.py
> def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context):
>     print globals()
> I'm not deeply familiar with the vagaries of what globals() does other 
> than I tend not to go near it except when doing eval / exec, so I don't 
> have any immediate insight on this one, sorry (as always, I'd pdb it here).
> Output:
> {'mysql': None, 'with_statement': None, 'PasswordType': None, 
> 'include_symbol': None, 'PriceType': None, 'JSONEncodedDict': None, 
> 'compare_type': None, 'PhoneNumberType': None, 'run_migrations_online': 
> None, '__package__': None, 'render_item': None, 'target_metadata': None, 
> 'Base': None, 'config': None, '__doc__': None, '__builtins__': 
> {'bytearray': <type 'bytearray'>, 'IndexError': <type 
> 'exceptions.IndexError'>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'help': Type 
> help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 
> 'var.....
> Recently updated to:
> alembic==0.8.2
> SQLAlchemy==1.0.8
> Any ideas why this might be happening?
> Thanks.

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