Hi Mike,
I've just checked my code and I noticed that I already use existing_type 
(not sure what was wrong with the documentation in that aspect).

Can you elaborate a bit on specifying custom rules as you mentioned?
I tried issuing a drop_constraint before calling the alter_column but that 
doesn't stop alter_column from trying to remove the check constraint by 
itself, leading to the same exception.
On the other hand, I didn't see any parameter in the alter_column method 
that accepts a constraint name


On Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 3:39:42 PM UTC+2, Ofir Herzas wrote:
> I'm trying to run an alter_column operation from a Boolean type column to 
> SmallInteger on Oracle.
> According to the documentation: "...Type changes which are against the 
> SQLAlchemy “schema” types Boolean 
> <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/type_basics.html#sqlalchemy.types.Boolean>
>  and Enum 
> <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/type_basics.html#sqlalchemy.types.Enum> 
> may 
> also add or drop constraints which accompany those types on backends that 
> don’t support them natively. The existing_server_default argument is used 
> in this case as well to remove a previous constraint...."
> Does this mean that the alter column should work out-of-the-box or do I 
> have to remove the constraint myself because I'm getting the following 
> error on alembic 0.8.3 (sqlalchemy 1.0.9):
> sqlalchemy.exc.CompileError: Can't emit DROP CONSTRAINT for constraint 
> CheckConstraint(<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 
> 0x28a9b10>, name='_unnamed_', table=Table('t_message', 
> MetaData(bind=None), Column('is_bulletin', Boolean(), table=<t_message>), 
> schema=None), 
> _create_rule=<sqlalchemy.util.langhelpers.portable_instancemethod object at 
> 0x289ac68>, _type_bound=True); it has no name
> And on a previous version (alembic 0.6.5, sqlalchemy 0.9.7) I got the 
> following error:
> sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-02443: Cannot drop 
> constraint  - nonexistent constraint
>  'ALTER TABLE t_message DROP CONSTRAINT None' {}
> Your help will be appreciated...

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