On 01/02/2016 01:18 PM, Nana Okyere wrote:
> Disclosure: I'm a newbie :-)
> Starting with an empty table, I autogenerate and then do upgrade and it
> works fine the first time. When I make a small change to the model(s)
> like adding a  new column, then I do autogenerate, alembic generates the
> upgrade and downgrade code as if starting from scratch. 

this would indicate it is seeing your Table objects (e.g. the "model"),
but is not seeing any tables in the database.

Are these tables located in explicitly named schemas?  If so, you'd need
to turn on the "include_schemas" option:


otherwise, send along what logging is coming up with.   For detailed SQL
logging of the commands used to inspect your database set the SQLAlchemy
logger debug level to DEBUG inside of alembic.ini:

level = DEBUG
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy.engine

this will emit all the queries used to look for tables in the oracle
database as well as what results come back.

It is supposed
> to only generate code for what has changed or the difference between the
> objects in the schema and the models. But subsequent attempted
> migrations always generates ALL tables again whether or not they already
> existed on the schema. Hence when I do 'upgrade', I get a message like:
>     name is already used by an existing object
>      [SQL: '\nCREATE TABLE dut_departments (\n\tid INTEGER NOT NULL,
>     \n\tname VARCHAR2(120 CHAR) NOT NULL, \n\tanother_col VARCHAR2(120
>     CHAR), \n\tPRIMARY KEY (id), \n\tUNIQUE (another_col), \n\tUNIQUE
>     (name)\n)\n\n']
> Clearly, the upgrade is issuing commands to create tables that already
> exist on the schema with the same name. I'm at a complete stop now. As a
> control test, I kept my models and did the autogenerate and upgrade on
> sqlite. It works as expected. Only changes from last migration are seen
> in the revision file. Is there something special about oracle I need to
> know to get autogenerate and upgrade to only pick up changes to models?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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