for postgresql, autoincrement=True means that if the column is marked
primary_key=True it will use the datatype SERIAL for that column, which
in PG does mean the sequence is generated and added as the server side

Would you expect a SERIAL on Postgres to end up being an inteeger with a
default of a sequence when viewed in psql?

What happens with autoincrement on a non-primary-key column? My
experiences suggests it does nothing...

'ALTER TABLE some_table ADD COLUMN q SERIAL NOT NULL' does, indeed, add a column of type 'integer' with a server-side default set to be the next value from a sequence that is automagically created.

...but how can I specify I want a non-primary-key SERIAL column on a model?

that SO answer is showing op.create_table().   your example was just for
op.add_column().  super different.

I have to admit that, at the column level, that's surprising to me.
Where can I see the differences between a column created as part of
create_table() verus as part of an add_column()?

SQL wise the syntaxes are:

Okay, but from the docs:

{ column_name data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]

ADD [ COLUMN ] column data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] the initial verbage seem the same.

Alembic op.add_column() will emit the SERIAL if you send a Column with
primary_key=True and Integer datatype on a Postgresql backend.  I just
added this to confirm:

+    def test_col_w_pk_is_serial(self):
+        context = op_fixture("postgresql")
+        op.add_column("some_table", Column('q', Integer,
+        context.assert_(
+            'ALTER TABLE some_table ADD COLUMN q SERIAL NOT NULL'
+        )

SERIAL would be all you need here.

Cool, so back to my question above: how can I specify I want a non-primary-key SERIAL column on a model? I hope I'm just being blind, but I couldn't find SERIAL importable anywhere.



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