On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 11:46:15 AM UTC-4, Colin Morris wrote:
> I've been using alembic successfully with my project for a while, but I 
> recently started getting this message: 
> No such revision '3a67d7b9dc38'
> Which is preventing me from performing most operations. I get it when I 
> try to do alembic revision --autogenerate, and also when I try to do 
> alembic downgrade.
> I don't even know where alembic is getting this phantom revision from. 
> There's no corresponding file in alembic/versions, and I grepped for the 
> string in that directory, and the alembic directory, and couldn't find it 
> anywhere. 
> Any thoughts on how to fix this? If necessary, I don't mind clobbering my 
> old revisions.

Can also update the version:

Update alembic_version set version_num = :current_alembic_head where 
version_num = '3a67d7b9dc38'; 

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