Hi all,

I'm working on a way to perform migrations entirely within my python 
application using the alembic API. I do not envision any complex DB changes 
for this project (at most adding a new table) so I figure autogenerate 
should be completely sufficient. At the moment, I can successfully detect 
schema changes between the application and the DB as it is written on disk 
(sqlite3), however I cannot seem to perform the actual upgrade to the DB.

This is what I have thus far, with the 'fn=self.do_upgrade()' bit coming 
from this StackOverflow post 
as without that I was hitting the same exception as the poster there:
        self.alembic_cfg = Config()
        self.alembic_cfg.set_main_option("script_location", "migrations")
        self.alembic_cfg.set_main_option("url", "sqlite://mydb.db")
        self.alembic_script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.alembic_cfg)
        self.alembic_env = EnvironmentContext(self.alembic_cfg, self.

    def migrate(self):
        conn = engine.connect()
        metadata = Base.metadata
        self.alembic_env.configure(connection=conn, target_metadata=metadata
, fn=self.do_upgrade)
        self.alembic_context = self.alembic_env.get_context()
        autogenerate.compare_metadata(self.alembic_context, metadata)
        autogenerate.produce_migrations(self.alembic_context, metadata)

        with self.alembic_env.begin_transaction():

    def do_upgrade(self, revision, context):
        return self.alembic_script._upgrade_revs(self.alembic_script.
get_heads(), revision)

Assume I have this table to start:

Base = declarative_base()

class Events(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'events'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(100), nullable=False)


engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydb.db")


Base.metadata.bind = engine

And I want to add an arbitrary column:
    test = Column(String(10), default='test')

As said earlier, the above will detect the change, as seen by autogenerate.
compare_metadata(self.alembic_context, metadata):

[('add_column', None, 'events', Column('test', String(length=10), table=<
events>, default=ColumnDefault('test')))]

However, even though run_migrations() appears to run without issue (no 
exceptions or similar), the written DB is not updated, and I cannot access 
the 'test' column for any entry in the 'events' table with this exception:

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: events.test

I have noticed that within do_upgrade(), that both get_heads() and revision are 
empty. I assume this is because I have not done a previous migration on this 
existing DB, but I'm not sure how to proceed there. I have only run `alembic 
--init` in the project directory (with mydb.db being in the top-level 

I have a feeling I'm missing something that is probably incredibly obvious, so 
any help here would be very much appreciated. 

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