
we are using Alembic in a rather big project with various database 
revisions and stumbled over a problem with diamond-shaped branch-merges.

We have the following diamond-shaped dependency tree with three branches:

   1. "master" Branch
   2. "addon 1" branch
   3. "addon 2" branch
The graph looks as follows:

  |    |    |
  |    a    |
  |  . | .  |
  | .  |  . |
  |.   |   .|
  x1   |   y1
  |.   |   .|
  | .  |  . |
  |  . | .  |
  |    b    |
  |    |    |
  |    |    |
  x2   c    y2

Straight lines represent down_revision and dotted lines mean depends_on 
relationships. The addon branches should not be merged into the master 
branch. Hence, we use the depends_on directive as described in the Alembic 
docs Branch Dependencies 
have various constructs of this shape in our dependency graph.

If we run alembic upgrade heads, we get an KeyError when applying the 
"Merge" migration:

  File "/home/lucas/dev/torql/api/torql/migrations/env.py", line 115, in 
  File "/home/lucas/dev/torql/api/torql/migrations/env.py", line 109, in 
  File "<string>", line 8, in run_migrations
line 797, in run_migrations
line 319, in run_migrations
line 486, in update_to_step
line 437, in _delete_version
KeyError: 'a'

Alembic cannot delete the branchpoint revision because it is not included 
in the heads set of the alembic.runtime.migration.HeadMaintainer instance.

The problem can be solved by inserting a "Noop" revision between the 
Branch- and Mergepoint:

  |    |    |
  |    a    |
  |  . | .  |
  | .  |  . |
  |.   |   .|
  x1  noop  y1
  |.   |   .|
  | .  |  . |
  |  . | .  |
  |    b    |
  |    |    |
  |    |    |
  x2   c    y2

Can someone explain the problem to us or is this a bug in Alembic?

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