On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 9:53 PM <jens.troe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In my project.ini file I have configured logging to use a file logger as 
> follows:
> [loggers]
> keys = root, …, alembic
> [handlers]
> keys = console, file
> [formatters]
> keys = generic
> [logger_root]
> level = INFO
> handlers = console
> qualname =
> [logger_alembic]
> level = INFO
> handlers =
> qualname = alembic
> [handler_console]
> class = StreamHandler
> args = (sys.stderr,)
> level = NOTSET
> formatter = generic
> [handler_file]
> class = FileHandler
> args = ("%(here)s/project.log", "a")
> level = INFO
> formatter = generic
> Using this .ini file within my project works fine: gunicorn reads the config 
> and expands its values. In particular, it will add the "here" variable when 
> expanding the "args" value in gunicorn/glogging.py (source)
> defaults = CONFIG_DEFAULTS.copy()
> defaults['__file__'] = cfg.logconfig
> defaults['here'] = os.path.dirname(cfg.logconfig)
> fileConfig(cfg.logconfig, defaults=defaults, disable_existing_loggers=False)
> Alembic, however, instantiates a plain fileConfig without passing extra 
> defaults. And that causes the following failure:
> configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError: Bad value substitution: option 
> 'args' in section 'handler_file' contains an interpolation key 'here' which 
> is not a valid option name. Raw value: '("%(here)s/project.log", "a)'
> So now I could just hardcode a path in the .ini file and that would work. But 
> the "here" is actually quite handy and so I was wondering if a PR would be 
> acceptable? Or is there another suggested solution for this?

Looking at the source code, we already have "here":

 if self.config_file_name:
            here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.config_file_name))
            here = ""
        self.config_args['here'] = here
        file_config = SafeConfigParser(self.config_args)
        if self.config_file_name:
        return file_config

so...how are you getting this .ini file over to alembic?

> Thanks!
> Jens
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