I've upgraded my application to Python 3.7 and to the latest version of 
Alembic which triggers an exception when `context.get_current_revision()` 
is called.

  File "app.py", line 395, in check_database_version
    current_rev = context.get_current_revision()
line 239, in get_current_revision
    heads = self.get_current_heads()
line 289, in get_current_heads
    row[0] for row in self.connection.execute(self._version.select())
line 289, in <genexpr>
    row[0] for row in self.connection.execute(self._version.select())
RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

I think this is due to PEP 479.

PEP 479 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0479> is enabled for all code 
in Python 3.7, meaning that StopIteration 
exceptions raised directly or indirectly in coroutines and generators are 
transformed into RuntimeError 
exceptions. (Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-32670 

I changed `ResultProxy.__iter__()` to:

class ResultProxy
    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            row = self.fetchone()
            if row is None:
                # raise StopIteration
                yield row

which seems to resolve the problem. Is this a problem with Alembic and an 
incompatibility with Python 3.7, and is this expected to be fixed soon?

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