
we're having rather strange problems with Alembic 1.4.2 and Postgres 12, 
detecting stray changes *sometimes* but also sometimes not. I already dug 
through the code but I increasingly get the feel that this is rooted 
somewhere in the interaction between alembic and Postgres.

But let me explain our setup first. We maintain a set of SQLAlchemy model 
definitions that we evolve over time and use alembic to migrate the 
database accordingly. For every customer, we add a new Postgres schema to 
the database identified by a corresponding UUID (e.g. 
a3d74dcc-1634-33a5-ff74-235f3a7c6322). See [1] for our (stripped) env.py.

Since we want all customers to use the same DDL, we want common migrations 
that disregard the schema name altogether. It seems that this is not a 
supported use-case of alembic, so I hacked around it such that alembic only 
sees schema-less objects and I run SET search_path TO "uuid" before each 
migration (see env.py [1]). The patch should be rather straight-forward and 
can be found at [2].

Now the issue that we're facing is, that *sometimes* autogenerate detects 
changes in one or two customer schemas that are not real [3]. Deleting the 
migration and creating a new one often doesn't detect the changes anymore 
or for a different customer/schema. The tables that are incorrectly found 
to have changed also change over time. 

My current workaround is to autogenerate migrations until alembic "does the 
right thing". I know that patching alembic is not the best base upon which 
to ask for support, but to be honest I am running out of theories what is 
going wrong here. Hope someone can help or point me into the right 
direction :)



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