Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> Changing from convert_unicode=True to use_unicode=True doesn't do what
> you'd expect.  SQLAlchemy is passing keyword arguments all over the
> place, and use_unicode actually gets ignored.  <minor rant>I
> personally think that you should be strict *somewhere* when you're
> passing around keyword arguments.  I've been bitten in this way too
> many times.  Unknown keyword arguments should result in
> exceptions.</minor rant>

uhhhhhh.....where is use_unicode=True documented as a create_engine
keyword ?  if used as DBAPI-specific keywords are documented (in the
FAQ, in the docs) it works just fine.  We do try be strict about kwargs
as much as possible but this is a case where its difficult since
create_engine() is passing along kwargs to any number of dialect
implementations.  ill add a ticket to put in more kwargs.pop() and
remove **kwargs from the base dialect class.

from sqlalchemy import *

import MySQLdb as mysql

class FakeMySQLDBAPI(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.paramstyle = mysql.paramstyle
    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "Args:" + repr(args) + "Kwargs:" + repr(kwargs)
        return mysql.connect(*args, **kwargs)

e = create_engine('mysql://scott:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test',
connect_args={'use_unicode':True}, module=FakeMySQLDBAPI())
c = e.connect()

Args:()Kwargs:{'passwd': 'tiger', 'host': 'localhost', 'db': 'test',
'user': 'scott', 'use_unicode': True}

> for use_unicode in (True, False):
>     connection = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="user",
>                                  passwd='dataase', db="users",
>                                  use_unicode=use_unicode)
>     cursor = connection.cursor()
>     cursor.execute("select firstName from users where username='test'")
>     row = cursor.fetchone()
>     print "use_unicode:%s %r" % (use_unicode, row)
> I get
> use_unicode:True (u'test \xc3\xa7',)
> use_unicode:False ('test \xc3\xa7',)
> Notice the result is the same, but one has a unicode object and the
> other doesn't.  Notice that it's \xc3\xa7 each time?  It shouldn't be.

yeah id say screw using use_unicode, make sure your MySQL isnt doing
any unicode conversion (check out all your my.cnf files etc), and use
SA's convert_unicode or Unicode type instead.

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