On 11/6/06, percious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I have reached the limit of what activemapper can do for me!
> Consider the following example:
> class Alarm(ActiveMapper):
>     class mapping:
>         __table__ = "Alarm"
>         alarmID   = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>         variableAID = column(Integer, foreign_key =
> 'Variable.variableID')
>         variableBID = column(Integer, foreign_key =
> 'Variable.variableID')
>         variableA   = one_to_one('CitectVariable',
> colname='variableAID', backref='CitectDigitalAlarm')

Maybe it's just a typo for your example, but shouldn't that be
'Variable' instead of CitectVariable?

> class Variable(ActiveMapper):
>     class mapping:
>         __table__ = "Variable"
>         variableID = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>         name       = column(Unicode(256))
> which will produce an error something like:
>     class Variable(ActiveMapper):
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py", line
> 284, in __in
> it__
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py", line
> 196, in proc
> ess_relationships
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py", line
> 181, in proc
> ess_relationships
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 607, in
> add_proper
> ties
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 619, in
> add_proper
> ty
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 671, in
> _compile_p
> roperty
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py", line 39,
> in init
>   File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py", line 190,
> in do_ini
> t
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError: Error determining primary and/or
> secondary
> join for relationship 'variableA' between mappers 'Mapper|Alarm|Alarm'
> and 'Mapp
> er|Variable|Variable'.  If the underlying error cannot be corrected,
> you should
> specify the 'primaryjoin' (and 'secondaryjoin', if there is an
> association table
>  present) keyword arguments to the relation() function (or for
> backrefs, by spec
> ifying the backref using the backref() function with keyword arguments)
> to expli
> citly specify the join conditions.  Nested error is "Cant determine
> join between
>  'Alarm' and 'Variable'; tables have more than one foreign key
> constraint relati
> onship between them.  Please specify the 'onclause' of this join
> explicitly."
> Am I missing something here?  I know its not great database design, but
> I have what I have so I am going to have to use it.    Am I going to
> have to dig in and put down some bruteforce SQLAlchemy tables?
> -chris
> >

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