On Nov 6, 4:29 am, Alexandre CONRAD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> what would be the best way to perform a search against columns of a
> table ? I have the following code that works fine:
> pattern = "%bla%"
> client_list = self.query.select(or_(model.Client.c.name.like(pattern),
> model.Client.c.contact.like(pattern), model.Client.c.email.like(pattern)))
> This generates the following SQL:
> SELECT clients.name AS clients_name, clients.contact AS clients_contact,
> clients.email AS clients_email, clients.id_client AS clients_id_client
> FROM clients
> WHERE clients.name LIKE %s OR clients.contact LIKE %s OR clients.email
> LIKE %s ORDER BY clients.name
> ['%bla%', '%bla%', '%bla%']
> Is this the correct way to do it ? Isn't there a way I could give a list
> of columns to search in rather than doing it like my example ? Or have a
> short way to search for the given pattern in all columns ?

I suppose you could write a function that provided the list of columns
for you.

class myclass(object):
 def search(self,pattern):
  # pseudo code
  for column in [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ...etc ]:
   somequery.appendorclause ( column, pattern )
  return somequery (or somequery.execute() ) etc.

If you were to take that approach though.. the sql that is generated
would be the same as what you already came up with.

The only other approach I can think of is to use your databases (if
applicable) full text indexing feature and create a FTI on all of the
columns you want searched.  I'm currently doing that with Postgresql
(tsearch2) for a project and it works quite well.


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