Michael Bayer wrote:
> theres not, but if someone wants to submit a patch that works for all
> the db engines (or most of them), id commit it.

i'd say I already sent this patch yesterday but I don't see it show up,
so here again.

I'm using the following function, that works for sqlite, postgresql and

def list_tables(eng=None, schema=None):
    if not eng:
        eng = schema.default_metadata.engine

    if eng.name == 'sqlite':
        sql = """
        SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
        WHERE type='table'
        ORDER BY name;"""
    elif eng.name == 'postgres':
        if schema == None:
            schema_constraint = ''
            schema_constraint = "AND n.nspname = :schema"
        sql = """
           SELECT c.relname as name,
             n.nspname as schema,c.relkind,
             u.usename as owner
           FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
                LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid =
                LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid =
           WHERE c.relkind IN ('r')
                 AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
           ORDER BY 1,2;
           """ % (schema_constraint)
        # sequences and views can be fount in postgres just changind
        # c.relkind IN ('r') 'v','S'
    elif eng.name in ( 'mysql'):
        sql = "SHOW TABLES"

    ret = eng.text(sql).execute(schema=schema)
    tables = [R[0] for R in ret]
    return tables

Mike, I already sent it early july, maybe you would prefer to split it
into different dialects to get rid of the ifs?...


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