Johan Hahn wrote:
> I've been using sqlachemy for a month and  I like it so far.
> Documentation could have been more precise IMO, it is
> confusing that the indroduction discusses so many ways
> to do the same things. Im partly confused since my prior
> experience with orm tools is limited.

the initial tutorial page was designed to be clear and unambiguous
about concepts, although beyond that there is a degree of flexiblity
that can be daunting....(which is why the tutorial is there).  feel
free to suggest specific concepts that you feel are not clearly stated
and/or post tickets/ is an open source project !

> Say I was about to make a telephone book database. I
> would need four columns: id, first name, last name, and
> phone number.
> Table('telephone_book', metadata,
>   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>   Column('first', Unicode(100)),
>   Column('last', Unicode(100)),
>   Column('phonenumber', String(11))
> )
> Phone numbers are fairly unique, not many rows in the
> table will have the same value. But first names are often
> the same. As are last names. Although the set of first
> names and the set of last names are fairly disjoint. Hence,
> it would make sense to break out the two name columns
> into two separate tables to save space.

how much space exactly would you hope to save via such a structure ?
consider that these additional tables will require new indexes of their
own, plus indexes back to the primary table...its not clear if youre
saving very much at all.  the space savings afforded if you have a
truly large table of usernames would also have to be weighed against
overhead of querying across three tables instead of one as well as
inserting into three tables with three sets of indexes instead of
one...and if you have a relatively small table (say, under a million
rows), your space savings would be fairly trivial by today's
standards....this smells like "premature optimization" to me (or
excessive normalization).

> My question is: how can you do this as transparently as
> possible with sqlalchemy? I was thinking along the lines
> of a new type called XUnicode (or something). The user
> expected behaviour of the two tables (when mapped)
> would be exactly the same only database would be more
> normalized in the latter case.
> Table('telephone_book', metadata,
>   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>   Column('first', XUnicode(100, tablename='first')),
>   Column('last', XUnicode(100, tablename='last')),
>   Column('phonenumber', String(11))
> )

well, creating columns that magically act like tables would be pretty
"out there" to say the least.  if you need to have multiple tables look
like one, then you work with joins.  easiest would be to implement the
join behind a view in your database.  or, SQLAlchemy can provide
similar functionality by creating a selectable which you can treat
mostly like a table:

telephone_book = telephone_basic.

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