Michael Bayer wrote:
> I should learn to explain better what "syncrules" are about, so heres
> an attempt:


Thanks Michael, that's informative.  Here's what I still don't
understand, though:

1) When I add viewonly=True to the relation definition in the above
code, I still get the very same syncrules error - it seems to have no

2) Why does the same exact many-to-many join work beautifully when I
define the foreign keys in the intermediate table (like below) instead
of in the relation (like in my first post):

photo_tags_t = Table('photo_tags', md,
     Column('photo_id', Integer, ForeignKey(photo_t.c.id)),
     Column('tag_id', Integer, ForeignKey(tag_t.c.id)))

mapper(Photo, photo_t, properties={'tags':
     relation(Tag, lazy=False, backref="photos", cascade="all",

It seems like here and in the non-working code from my first post, I'm
giving it the very same information about the join, just giving it in a
different place.


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