im not sure if the "use" statement is really valid to use on a MySQLDB
connection.  alternatively, if it *does* work, since you are not using
explicit connections, its possible that the "use" works on the
particular connection that you happen to pull from the pool, but your
subsequent statement is on a different pooled connection which did not
have the "use" statement executed (youd be pulling a second connection
because the result from the first insert has not yet been garbage
collected, and the connection is still pending).

cant you just connect to the correct database directly with your
create_engine url ?

if not, at the very least you'd have to specify a custom connect
function to your engine which does the "use" on every new connection

 def connect():
      conn = mysqldb.connect(**kwargs)
      conn.cursor().execute("use mydb")
      return conn

engine = create_engine('mysql://', creator=connect)

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