As attachement, here's the patch (against rev 2132). It's local to 
sqlalchemy/orm/, so:

cd ..../sqlalchemy/orm
patch -p0 < attribute_cache.patch

About the patch itself:
> 1. the cache should be a WeakKeyDictionary
OK, done. Performances are still OK, differences between built-in dict are 

> 2. the cache needs to be cleared for a particular cache (class ?)
If I understand right, while calling register_attribute(), the cache will be 
cleared for the given class, if this one has been cached. Is there anywhere 
else the cache needs to cleared ?

> 3. the cache should *probably* be at the module level, and not within
> the AttributeManager itself; SA uses only a single AttributeManager per
> application so it probably doesnt matter
I let the cache within the AttributeManager... Things can be moved at the 
module level, but if it's not necessary right now, it might not be a good 
idea to do it right now (when it will be necessary, the design may have been 
changed and modifications not valid anymore).

> 4. the raise should use an exception class of some kind
I've made it raise a TypeError... Yes, string based exceptions are very a bad 
thing !

Attributes are cached while using the managed_attributes() *and* 
noninherited_managed_attributes() funcs. Those are very similar. I hesitated 
refactor them, but centralize cache management is probably a good thing. This 
is the purpose of the second patch, which include this refactoring. As 
expected, performances decrease. Here's the traditionnal benchmark results:

        SA 0.3.1, rev 2127:
                total time 4.29376721382

                real    0m5.420s
                user    0m4.088s
                sys     0m0.108s

        SA with attr. cache, no refactoring (~2X faster, back closed to 0.2.8 
                total time 2.34819602966

                real    0m3.013s
                user    0m2.344s
                sys     0m0.088s

        SA with attr. cache, with refactoring (30% slower than without 
                total time 3.05679416656

                real    0m3.747s
                user    0m2.988s
                sys     0m0.068s

It's up to you choosing the patch ! IMO, I'm *not* in favor to use refactoring 
in this case :). 

Finally, I've put a clear_attribute_cache func which, ... clear the attribute 
cache. While client code may not have to worry about caching, it may need to 
clear it...

> thanks much, this is the kind of user involvement i like.
Well, you're very welcome ! Glad to help !


Sébastien LELONG


> im beginning
> to suspect that yield introduces overhead vs. a straight list ?
> (python interpreter storing stack frames ?  dunno).
dunnotoo :)

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---	(révision 2132)
+++	(copie de travail)
@@ -609,8 +609,18 @@
 class AttributeManager(object):
     """allows the instrumentation of object attributes.  AttributeManager is stateless, but can be
-    overridden by subclasses to redefine some of its factory operations."""
+    overridden by subclasses to redefine some of its factory operations. Also be aware AttributeManager
+    will cache attributes for a given class, allowing not to determine those for each objects (used
+    in managed_attributes() and noninherited_managed_attributes()). This cache is cleared for a given class
+    while calling register_attribute(), and can be cleared using clear_attribute_cache()"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # will cache attributes, indexed by class objects
+        self._attribute_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+    def clear_attribute_cache(self):
+        self._attribute_cache.clear()
     def rollback(self, *obj):
         """retrieves the committed history for each object in the given list, and rolls back the attributes
         each instance to their original value."""
@@ -639,21 +649,31 @@
     def managed_attributes(self, class_):
         """returns an iterator of all InstrumentedAttribute objects associated with the given class."""
+        if self._attribute_cache.has_key(class_):
+            return self._attribute_cache[class_]
+        self._attribute_cache[class_] = []   
         if not isinstance(class_, type):
-            raise repr(class_) + " is not a type"
+            raise TypeError(repr(class_) + " is not a type")
         for key in dir(class_):
             value = getattr(class_, key, None)
             if isinstance(value, InstrumentedAttribute):
-                yield value
+                self._attribute_cache[class_].append(value)
+        return self._attribute_cache[class_]
     def noninherited_managed_attributes(self, class_):
+        if self._attribute_cache.has_key(class_):
+            return self._attribute_cache[class_]
+        self._attribute_cache[class_] = []   
         if not isinstance(class_, type):
-            raise repr(class_) + " is not a type"
+            raise TypeError(repr(class_) + " is not a type")
         for key in list(class_.__dict__):
             value = getattr(class_, key, None)
             if isinstance(value, InstrumentedAttribute):
-                yield value
+                self._attribute_cache[class_].append(value)
+        return self._attribute_cache[class_]
     def is_modified(self, object):
         for attr in self.managed_attributes(object.__class__):
             if attr.check_mutable_modified(object):
@@ -733,6 +753,10 @@
     def register_attribute(self, class_, key, uselist, callable_=None, **kwargs):
         """registers an attribute at the class level to be instrumented for all instances
         of the class."""
+        # firt invalidate the cache for the given class 
+        # (will be reconstituted as needed, while getting managed attributes)
+        self._attribute_cache.pop(class_,None)
         #print self, "register attribute", key, "for class", class_
         if not hasattr(class_, '_state'):
             def _get_state(self):
---	(révision 2132)
+++	(copie de travail)
@@ -609,8 +609,18 @@
 class AttributeManager(object):
     """allows the instrumentation of object attributes.  AttributeManager is stateless, but can be
-    overridden by subclasses to redefine some of its factory operations."""
+    overridden by subclasses to redefine some of its factory operations. Also be aware AttributeManager
+    will cache attributes for a given class, allowing not to determine those for each objects (used
+    in managed_attributes() and noninherited_managed_attributes()). This cache is cleared for a given class
+    while calling register_attribute(), and can be cleared using clear_attribute_cache()"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # will cache attributes, indexed by class objects
+        self._attribute_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+    def clear_attribute_cache(self):
+        self._attribute_cache.clear()
     def rollback(self, *obj):
         """retrieves the committed history for each object in the given list, and rolls back the attributes
         each instance to their original value."""
@@ -636,24 +646,27 @@
         for o in obj:
             o._state['original'] = CommittedState(self, o)
             o._state['modified'] = False
+    def _managed_attributes(self, class_, class_attrs):
+        if self._attribute_cache.has_key(class_):
+            return self._attribute_cache[class_]
+        self._attribute_cache[class_] = []   
+        if not isinstance(class_, type):
+            raise TypeError(repr(class_) + " is not a type")
+        for key in class_attrs:
+            value = getattr(class_, key, None)
+            if isinstance(value, InstrumentedAttribute):
+                self._attribute_cache[class_].append(value)
+        return self._attribute_cache[class_]
     def managed_attributes(self, class_):
         """returns an iterator of all InstrumentedAttribute objects associated with the given class."""
-        if not isinstance(class_, type):
-            raise repr(class_) + " is not a type"
-        for key in dir(class_):
-            value = getattr(class_, key, None)
-            if isinstance(value, InstrumentedAttribute):
-                yield value
+        return self._managed_attributes(class_,dir(class_))
     def noninherited_managed_attributes(self, class_):
-        if not isinstance(class_, type):
-            raise repr(class_) + " is not a type"
-        for key in list(class_.__dict__):
-            value = getattr(class_, key, None)
-            if isinstance(value, InstrumentedAttribute):
-                yield value
+        return self._managed_attributes(class_,list(class_.__dict__))
     def is_modified(self, object):
         for attr in self.managed_attributes(object.__class__):
             if attr.check_mutable_modified(object):
@@ -733,6 +746,10 @@
     def register_attribute(self, class_, key, uselist, callable_=None, **kwargs):
         """registers an attribute at the class level to be instrumented for all instances
         of the class."""
+        # firt invalidate the cache for the given class 
+        # (will be reconstituted as needed, while getting managed attributes)
+        self._attribute_cache.pop(class_,None)
         #print self, "register attribute", key, "for class", class_
         if not hasattr(class_, '_state'):
             def _get_state(self):

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