ml wrote:
> 1) Why does the SA the second SELECT for addresses to obtain primary
> keys? Why there is not a direct "DELETE FROM addresses WHERE user_id=?"?

because SA's mapper is only a simple entity mapper.  the way an
instance gets deleted is by it being marked as "deleted", and then the
instance gets passed to its mapper in a list of items to be deleted.
the origin of that "delete" marking, in this case due to a cascade, is
not known at that point - only that the object was marked for deletion.
 the "cascade" rules are not linked into the query generation like
that, and you could just as well marked all your child objects deleted
individually without using any "cascade" at all.

alternatively, if you didnt have the delete cascade, when deleting the
parent item it would update all the child objects with a parent id of
"NULL", using a similar mechanism (i.e. updating individual objects,
not an across-the-board update).

to have the cascade rule wire itself into a "delete from table where
parent_id=x" type of query is harder than you might think.  the main
thing that can go wrong is that the child items themselves might have
dependencies.  If I delete an object X, which has a child of Y, but
then Y also has a child of Z, I have to somehow know to update/delete
the Z instance before deleting all of X's children,  which necessitates
that SA knows explicitly that Y is attached to X, which necessitates a
select. (and also would necessitate individual queries issued for each
child of X).

SA's current entity-based approach, which by default requires that it
knows every instance individually (yes there is a way to do what you
want, just read on), has no problem with this kind of scenario.

another thing that can go wrong, is that X's child items might be
hanging around in the session, but the session doesnt know that those
child items are attached to X since they were loaded through some other
means.  when the mass delete (or update) of X's children occur, now
theres a bunch of invalid objects hanging around in the session.
*unless*, once again, we did a SELECT to explicitly figure out all the
objects that are attached to X.

so the entity approach is advantageous in that it does not screw up in
the generic case, and a core philosophy of SA is to go for total
correctness first, optimized cases second.

> 2) If it is neccessary to do this SELECT, why is the SA selecting all
> columns? E.g. I will have 1 user with 100000 addresses - an idea of
> selecting all 100000 addresses to get their id's is spooky :-)

so now for how to do what you want.  it does the select by default
because it needs to know about all the child items individually when
the parent is being deleted, else it wouldnt be able to delete or
update them and there would be a constraint violation. but you can
disable this by using "passive_deletes=True" flag on the relationship
so that SA does not load in all the objects upon a delete operation,
and you combine it with ON DELETE (CASCADE/SET NULL) directives on your
table so that your database handles the en-masse delete for you (this
is another core SA philosophy, "dont do what the database can already

"passive_deletes" is a fairly new setting and someone on IRC was
complaining that it wasnt completely working (but then he couldnt show
me a test case), so if you see your ORM loading a bunch of objects just
to delete them with that flag on, send a test case to the list so I can
improve upon its functioning.

as far as working the mass-delete into SA's ORM directly, it might make
a nice feature add, but because it would be very hard to make it
"automatic" and "smart" enough to detect conditions where it *cant* be
used, as well as the surprise side effects it has, would almost be
better as just an explcit user-defined setting
"cascade_deletes"...which is essentially the same as the "ON DELETE"
rule you put on your table (and therefore is largely a reinvention of
the wheel, unless youre stuck with MySQL ISAM tables).

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