let me show you whats happening:

rawdata = 'Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une
dr\xc3\xb4le de petit voix m\xe2\x80\x99a r\xc3\xa9veill\xc3\xa9. Elle
disait: \xc2\xab S\xe2\x80\x99il vous pla\xc3\xaet\xe2\x80\xa6
dessine-moi un mouton! \xc2\xbb\n'

unicodedata = rawdata.decode('utf-8')

print rawdata == unicodedata

will give you that error message.  because you have
"convert_unicode=True", the rows returned from your database will be as
unicode, not str, objects.  dealing with raw utf-8 strings on the other
side produces this mismatch.  so either dont use
"convert_unicode"/sqlalchemy.types.Unicode  or insure that you pass
only unicode() objects to your object properties.

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